scrips to generate both data/london.rda and inst/extdata/hwys.rda

devtools::load_all (".", export_all = FALSE)
library (magrittr)

test data for highway cycles

These are the /inst/extdata/hwys.rda data

bbox <- get_bbox (c(-0.15, 51.50, -0.10, 51.52))
highways1 <- c ('Monmouth.St', 'Short.?s.Gardens', 'Endell.St', 'Long.Acre',
               'Upper.Saint.Martin') %>%
                osmplotr:::extract_highways (bbox = bbox)
highways2 <- c ('Endell.St', 'High.Holborn', 'Drury.Lane', 'Long.Acre') %>%
                osmplotr:::extract_highways (bbox = bbox)
highways3 <- c ('Drury.Lane', 'High.Holborn', 'Kingsway', 'Great.Queen.St') %>%
                osmplotr:::extract_highways (bbox = bbox)
highways4 <- c ('Kingsway', 'Holborn', 'Farringdon.St', 'Strand',
               'Fleet.St', 'Aldwych') %>%
                osmplotr:::extract_highways (bbox = bbox)
hwys <- list (highways1 = highways1, highways2 = highways2,
              highways3 = highways3, highways4 = highways4)
fname <- system.file ('extdata', 'hwys.rda', package = 'osmplotr')
save (hwys, file = fname)
format (file.size (fname), big.mark = ',')

The main London data

The london data are stripped of all columns except the 2 primary ones. The names can't be stored because they fail R CMD check due to non-ASCII strings.

col_names <- c ('osm_id', 'geometry')
bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.51, -0.11, 51.52))
dat_H <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'highway', value = '!primary',
                              bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_H) %in% col_names)
dat_H <- dat_H [, indx]
dat_HP <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'highway', value = 'primary',
                              bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_HP) %in% col_names)
dat_HP <- dat_HP [, indx]
dat_BNR <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', value = '!residential',
                              bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_BNR) %in% col_names)
dat_BNR <- dat_BNR [, indx]
dat_BR <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', value = 'residential',
                              bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_BR) %in% col_names)
dat_BR <- dat_BR [, indx]
dat_BC <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', value = 'commercial',
                              bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_BC) %in% col_names)
dat_BC <- dat_BC [, indx]
dat_A <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'amenity', bbox = bbox,
                              return_type = 'polygon')
indx <- which (names (dat_A) %in% col_names)
dat_A <- dat_A [, indx]
dat_P <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'park', bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_P) %in% col_names)
dat_P <- dat_P [, indx]
dat_T <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'tree', bbox = bbox)
indx <- which (names (dat_T) %in% col_names)
dat_T <- dat_T [, indx]
bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.50, -0.11, 51.52))
dat_RFH <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', bbox = bbox,
                                extra_pairs = c ('name',
extra_pairs <- list (c ('addr:street', 'Stamford.St'),
                     c ('addr:housenumber', '150'))
dat_ST <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', extra_pairs = extra_pairs,
                            bbox = bbox)
london <- list (dat_H = dat_H, dat_HP = dat_HP, dat_BNR = dat_BNR,
                dat_BR = dat_BR, dat_BC = dat_BC, dat_A = dat_A, dat_P = dat_P,
                dat_T = dat_T, dat_RFH = dat_RFH, dat_ST = dat_ST)
devtools::use_data (london, overwrite = TRUE, compress = 'xz')
format (file.size ('./data/london.rda'), big.mark = ',') # 189,984

mpadge/osmplotr documentation built on April 14, 2024, 12:11 p.m.