
#' add_colorbar
#' Adds a colourbar to an existing map. Intended to be used in combination with
#' \code{\link{add_osm_surface}}. At present, only plots on right side of map.
#' @param map A \code{ggplot2} object to which the colourbar is to be added.
#' @param barwidth Relative width of the bar (perpendicular to its direction),
#' either a single number giving distance from right or upper margin, or two
#' numbers giving left/right or lower/upper limits.
#' @param barlength Relative length of the bar (parallel to its direction),
#' either a single number giving total length of centred bar, or two numbers
#' giving lower/upper or left/right limits.
#' @param zlims Vector of (min,max) values for scale of colourbar. These should
#' be the values returned from \code{\link{add_osm_surface}}.
#' @param cols Vector of colours.
#' @param vertical If \code{FALSE}, colourbar is aligned horizontally instead of
#' default vertical alignment.
#' @param alpha Transparency level of region immediately surrounding colourbar,
#' including behind text. Lower values are more transparent.
#' @param text_col Colour of text, tick marks, and lines on colourbar.
#' @param fontsize Size of text labels (in \code{ggplot2} terms; default=3).
#' @param fontface Fontface for colourbar labels
#' (1:4=plain,bold,italic,bold-italic).
#' @param fontfamily Family of colourbar font (for example, `\code{Times}').
#' @param ... Mechanism to allow many parameters to be passed with alternative
#' names (such as \code{xyz} for \code{fontxyz}).
#' @return Modified version of \code{map} with colourbar added.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_path geom_tile geom_segment geom_label
#' @seealso \code{\link{osm_basemap}}, \code{\link{add_osm_surface}}.
#' @examples
#' bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.5, -0.11, 51.52))
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20")
#' # Align volcano data to lat-lon range of bbox
#' dv <- dim (volcano)
#' x <- seq (bbox [1, 1], bbox [1, 2], length.out = dv [1])
#' y <- seq (bbox [2, 1], bbox [2, 2], length.out = dv [2])
#' dat <- data.frame (
#'     x = rep (x, dv [2]),
#'     y = rep (y, each = dv [1]),
#'     z = as.numeric (volcano)
#' )
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map,
#'     obj = london$dat_BNR, dat = dat,
#'     cols = heat.colors (30)
#' )
#' map <- add_axes (map)
#' # Note colours of colourbar can be artibrarily set, and need not equal those
#' # passed to 'add_osm_surface'
#' map <- add_colourbar (map,
#'     zlims = range (volcano), cols = heat.colors (100),
#'     text_col = "black"
#' )
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' # Horizontal colourbar shifted away from margins:
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20")
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map,
#'     obj = london$dat_BNR, dat = dat,
#'     cols = heat.colors (30)
#' )
#' map <- add_colourbar (map,
#'     zlims = range (volcano), cols = heat.colors (100),
#'     barwidth = c (0.1, 0.15), barlength = c (0.5, 0.9),
#'     vertical = FALSE
#' )
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' @family map-extra
#' @export

add_colourbar <- function (map, barwidth = 0.02, barlength = 0.7, zlims, cols,
                           vertical = TRUE, alpha = 0.4,
                           text_col = "black", fontsize = 3,
                           fontface, fontfamily, ...) {

    args <- list (...)
    if (hasArg ("width")) barwidth <- args [["width"]]
    if (hasArg ("length")) barlength <- args [["length"]]
    if (hasArg ("colors")) cols <- args [["colors"]]
    if (hasArg ("colours")) cols <- args [["colours"]]
    if (hasArg ("color")) text_col <- args [["color"]]
    if (hasArg ("colour")) text_col <- args [["colour"]]
    if (hasArg ("size")) fontsize <- args [["size"]]
    if (hasArg ("face")) fontface <- args [["face"]]
    if (hasArg ("family")) fontfamily <- args [["family"]]

    # ---------------  sanity checks and warnings  ---------------
    # ---------- map
    if (missing (map)) {
        stop ("map must be supplied to add_axes")
    if (missing (cols)) {
        stop ("cols must be specified in add_colourbar")
    check_map_arg (map)
    barwidth <- check_barwidth_arg (barwidth)
    barlength <- check_barlength_arg (barlength)
    fontsize <- check_fontsize_arg (fontsize)
    vertical <- check_vertical_arg (vertical)
    alpha <- check_alpha_arg (alpha)
    if (missing (fontface)) fontface <- 1
    if (missing (fontfamily)) fontfamily <- ""
    # ---------------  end sanity checks and warnings  ---------------

    # suppress 'no visible binding' warnings
    x <- y <- x1 <- y1 <- x2 <- y2 <- NULL

    # ---------- Initial data setup
    # expand is for semi-transparent underlay, done for direction parallel to
    # colourbar only; perpendicular expansion is handled by size = 5 below.
    expand <- 0.02

    cbxy <- get_colourbar_xy (map, cols, vertical, barwidth, barlength, expand)

    # ---------- LAYER#1: semi-transparent underlay
    cbu <- colourbar_underlay (cbxy, vertical, expand)
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, linewidth = 0)
    pcol <- rgb (1, 1, 1, alpha)
    # geom_path has rounded corners, geom_poly does not, and linewidth = 5
    # *should* ensure it covers the inside of most bars
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_path (
        data = cbu$rdat, mapping = aes,
        inherit.aes = FALSE,
        colour = pcol, linewidth = 5

    # ---------- LAYER#2: colourbar
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y)
    args <- colourbar_tile_args (cbu$cbxy, vertical, cols, aes)
    map <- map + do.call (ggplot2::geom_tile, args)

    # ---------- LAYER#3: outline around colourbar
    rdat <- colourbar_outline (cbxy, vertical, expand)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_path (
        data = rdat, mapping = aes,
        colour = text_col

    # ---------- LAYERS#4-5: ticks and labels
    tl <- colourbar_ticks_labels (map, cbu, zlims, vertical)
    z <- tl$z

    gs <- ggplot2::geom_segment
    glab <- ggplot2::geom_label

    x2 <- y2 <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    map + gs (
        data = tl$segdat, colour = text_col,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes (
            x = x1, y = y1,
            xend = x2, yend = y2
    ) +
        glab (
            data = tl$labdat, mapping = ggplot2::aes (
                x = x, y = y,
                label = z
            alpha = alpha, size = fontsize, colour = text_col,
            fontface = fontface, family = fontfamily, inherit.aes = FALSE,
            label.size = 0, nudge_x = tl$nudge_x, nudge_y = tl$nudge_y,
            vjust = tl$vjust, hjust = tl$hjust

#' initial coordinates for colourbar
#' @noRd
get_colourbar_xy <- function (map, cols, vertical, barwidth,
                              barlength, expand) {

    xrange <- map$coordinates$limits$x
    yrange <- map$coordinates$limits$y

    n <- length (cols)
    if (!vertical) {

        zr <- xrange
        xrange <- yrange
        yrange <- zr

    if (length (barwidth) == 1) {

        # barwidth transformed to map scale
        barwidth <- diff (xrange) * barwidth
        # x0 is centre of bar, shifted by 1/2 barwidth + 2 * expand, so the
        # transparent underlay fits entirely within panel
        x0 <- xrange [2] - (1 / 2 + 2 * expand) * barwidth
    } else {

        # x0 not shifted by expand here, just by mean (barwidth)
        x0 <- xrange [2] - mean (barwidth) * diff (xrange)
        # with barwidth then converted to a single number
        barwidth <- diff (xrange) * diff (barwidth)
    x <- rep (x0, n)
    if (length (barlength) == 1) {
        y0 <- yrange [1] + (0.5 + c (-1 / 2, 1 / 2) * barlength) * diff (yrange)
    } else {
        y0 <- yrange [1] + barlength * diff (yrange)
    y <- seq (y0 [1], y0 [2], length.out = n)

    # Note that the actual limits of geom_tile are increased by 1/2 an
    # increment, so the final range of the bar must be expanded
    bary <- range (y) + c (-1, 1) * (y [2] - y [1]) / 2

    if (!vertical) {

        z <- x
        x <- y
        y <- z

    # cb <- data.frame (x = x, y = y)
    list ("x" = x, "y" = y, "bary" = bary, "barwidth" = barwidth)

#' coordinates for semi-transparent underlay of colourbar
#' @noRd
colourbar_underlay <- function (cbxy, vertical, expand) {

    # The colour bar is also moved to middle of the underlay, away from the edge
    # by expand/2
    if (vertical) {

        x1 <- cbxy$x [1] + cbxy$barwidth * c (-1, 1) * (1 + 1 * expand) / 2
        y1 <- cbxy$bary
        cbxy$x <- mean (x1)
    } else {

        x1 <- cbxy$bary
        y1 <- cbxy$y [1] + cbxy$barwidth * c (-1, 1) * (1 + 1 * expand) / 2
        cbxy$y <- mean (y1)
    # The df needs the 6th point to connect up properly
    rdat <- data.frame (
        "x" = c (x1 [1], x1 [1], x1 [2], x1 [2], x1 [1], x1 [1]),
        "y" = c (y1 [1], y1 [2], y1 [2], y1 [1], y1 [1], y1 [2])

    list ("cbxy" = cbxy, "rdat" = rdat, "x1" = x1, "y1" = y1)

#' Get title arguments of colourbar
#' @noRd
colourbar_tile_args <- function (cbxy, vertical, cols, aes) {

    args <- list (
        data = data.frame ("x" = cbxy$x, "y" = cbxy$y),
        mapping = aes, fill = cols
    if (vertical) {
        args <- c (args, width = cbxy$barwidth)
    } else {
        args <- c (args, height = cbxy$barwidth)

    return (args)

#' coordinates for outline box of colourbar
#' @noRd
colourbar_outline <- function (cbxy, vertical, expand) {

    makedat <- function (a, b, barwidth, expand) {

        bt <- max (b) + diff (b) [1] / 2
        bb <- min (b) - diff (b) [1] / 2
        data.frame (
            x = mean (a) + c (-1, -1, 1, 1, -1) * barwidth / 2,
            y = c (bb, bt, bt, bb, bb)
    if (vertical) {

        rdat <- makedat (cbxy$x, cbxy$y, cbxy$barwidth, expand)
    } else {

        rdat <- makedat (cbxy$y, cbxy$x, cbxy$barwidth, expand)
        names (rdat) <- c ("y", "x")

    return (rdat)

#' parameters for ticks and labels
#' @noRd
colourbar_ticks_labels <- function (map, cbu, zlims, vertical) {

    # Note that the actual limits of geom_tile are increased by 1/2 an
    # increment, so:
    zlabs <- pretty (zlims)
    zlabs <- zlabs [which (zlabs > zlims [1] & zlabs < zlims [2])]
    z <- cbu$cbxy$bary [1] + (zlabs - zlims [1]) *
        diff (cbu$cbxy$bary) / diff (zlims)

    if (vertical) {

        segdat <- data.frame (x1 = cbu$x1 [1], x2 = cbu$x1 [2], y1 = z, y2 = z)
        labdat <- data.frame (x = cbu$x1 [1], y = z, z = zlabs)
        nudge_x <- -0.005 * diff (map$coordinates$limits$x)
        if (length (nudge_x) == 0) {
            nudge_x <- -0.005
        nudge_y <- 0
        vjust <- 0.5
        hjust <- 1
    } else {

        segdat <- data.frame (x1 = z, x2 = z, y1 = cbu$y1 [1], y2 = cbu$y1 [2])
        labdat <- data.frame (x = z, y = cbu$y1 [1], z = zlabs)
        nudge_x <- 0
        nudge_y <- -0.005 * diff (map$coordinates$limits$y)
        if (length (nudge_y) == 0) {
            nudge_y <- -0.010
        vjust <- 1
        hjust <- 0.5

    return (list (
        "z" = z, "segdat" = segdat, "labdat" = labdat,
        "nudge_x" = nudge_x, "nudge_y" = nudge_y,
        "vjust" = vjust, "hjust" = hjust

check_barwidth_arg <- function (barwidth) {

    barwidth <- test_len2 (barwidth, "barwidth")
    barwidth <- test_numeric (barwidth, "barwidth", 0.02)
    barwidth <- test_range (barwidth, "barwidth", c (0, 1), 0.02)

    return (sort (barwidth))

check_barlength_arg <- function (barlength) {

    barlength <- test_len2 (barlength, "barlength")
    barlength <- test_numeric (barlength, "barlength", 0.7)
    barlength <- test_range (barlength, "barlength", c (0, 1), 0.7)

    return (sort (barlength))

check_fontsize_arg <- function (fontsize) {

    fontsize <- test_len1 (fontsize, "fontsize")
    fontsize <- test_numeric (fontsize, "fontsize", 3)
    fontsize <- test_pos (fontsize, "fontsize", 3)

    return (fontsize)

check_vertical_arg <- function (vertical) {

    vertical <- test_len1 (vertical, "vertical")
    vertical <- test_logical (vertical, "vertical", TRUE)

    return (vertical)

check_alpha_arg <- function (alpha) {

    alpha <- test_len1 (alpha, "alpha")
    alpha <- test_numeric (alpha, "alpha", 0.4)
    alpha <- test_range (alpha, "alpha", c (0, 1), 0.4)

    return (alpha)
mpadge/osmplotr documentation built on July 20, 2024, 4:40 a.m.