
#' extract_highways
#' Extracts a list of named OpenStreetMap highways. OSM data are neither
#' structured nor ordered; this routine reduces data for each given highway to a
#' minimal number of discrete and sequentially ordered segments. These segments
#' may or may not connect, yet can be connected at their nearest points with
#' \code{get_highway_cycle}.
#' @param highway_names A vector of highway names passed directly to the
#' Overpass API. Wildcards and whitespaces are `.'; for other options see
#' overpass help.
#' @param bbox the bounding box for the map.  A 2-by-2 matrix of 4 elements with
#' columns of min and max values, and rows of x and y values.
#' @return A list of highways matching \code{highway_names} each element of
#' which is a list of distinct components for the given highway.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of \code{sp} objects
#' @noRd
extract_highways <- function (highway_names, bbox) {

    if (missing (highway_names)) {
        stop ("A vector of highway names must be given")
    if (missing (bbox)) {
        stop ("A bounding box must be given")

    #----------Download OSM data for highways
    hw_abbrvs <- abbreviate_hwy_names (highway_names)
    dl_dat <- dl_hw_data (highway_names, hw_abbrvs, bbox)
    p4s <- dl_dat$p4s
    if (length (dl_dat$indx) < length (highway_names)) {

        hw_abbrvs <- hw_abbrvs [dl_dat$indx]
        highway_names <- highway_names [dl_dat$indx]

    #---------Extract coordinates
    ways <- list ()
    for (i in seq (highway_names)) {

        wi <- lapply (
            get (hw_abbrvs [i])$geometry,
            function (i) as.matrix (i)
        ways [[i]] <- order_lines (wi)
    names (ways) <- hw_abbrvs

    attr (ways, "crs") <- p4s

    return (ways)

abbreviate_hwy_names <- function (highway_names, nletters = 2) {

    hw_abbrvs <- sapply (highway_names, function (x) {
        tolower (substring (x, 1, nletters))
    while (any (duplicated (hw_abbrvs))) {

        nletters <- nletters + 1
        hw_abbrvs <- sapply (highway_names, function (x) {
            tolower (substring (x, 1, nletters))

    return (hw_abbrvs)

dl_hw_data <- function (highway_names, hw_abbrvs, bbox) {

    cat ("Downloading OSM data ...\n")
    p4s <- NULL
    lens_old <- length (highway_names)
    lens <- 0
    # in case download does not work, this will try again until same data are
    # returned twice in a row
    while (lens != lens_old) {

        indx <- NULL
        pb <- txtProgressBar (max = 1, style = 3)
        # style = 3 shows start and end positions
        for (i in seq (highway_names)) {

            dat <- extract_highway (name = highway_names [i], bbox = bbox)
            if (!is.null (dat)) {
                if (nrow (dat) > 0) {

                    assign (hw_abbrvs [i], value = dat, envir = parent.frame ())
                    indx <- c (indx, i)
            setTxtProgressBar (pb, i / length (highway_names))
        lens <- rep (0, length (indx))
        for (i in seq (indx)) {
            lens [i] <- nrow (get (hw_abbrvs [indx] [i],
                envir = parent.frame ()

        lens <- length (which (lens > 0)) # total number returning data
        if (lens > 0) {

            hw1 <- hw_abbrvs [indx] [which (lens > 0)] [1]
            p4s <- attr (
                get (hw1, envir = parent.frame ())$geometry,
        rm (dat)
        close (pb)
        lens_old <- lens
    if (lens == 0) {
        stop ("No data able to be extracted")
    } else if (lens < length (highway_names)) {
        message ("Unable to download all requested data.")

    list ("p4s" = p4s, "indx" = indx)

#' extract_highway
#' Extracts an OpenStreetMap highway by name, within the given bounding box.
#' @param name Name of highway. Lines components are return for *any* OSM way
#' with a partially-matched. Both wildcards and whitespace should be represented
#' by `.'.
#' @param bbox the bounding box for the map.  A 2-by-2 matrix of 4 elements with
#' columns of min and max values, and rows of x and y values.
#' @return A \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame} containing the highway.
#' @noRd
extract_highway <- function (name = "", bbox) {

    check_arg (name, "name", "character")
    bbox <- check_bbox_arg (bbox)

    qry <- osmdata::opq (bbox = bbox)
    qry <- osmdata::add_osm_feature (qry, key = "highway")
    qry <- osmdata::add_osm_feature (qry,
        key = "name", value = name,
        key_exact = FALSE, value_exact = FALSE,
        match_case = FALSE

    osmdata::osmdata_sf (qry)$osm_lines
mpadge/osmplotr documentation built on July 20, 2024, 4:40 a.m.