
#' extract_osm_objects
#' Downloads OSM XML objects and converts to \code{sp} objects
#' (\code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame}, or
#' \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}).
#' @param bbox the bounding box within which all key-value objects should be
#' downloaded.  A 2-by-2 matrix of 4 elements with columns of min and
#' max values, and rows of x and y values.
#' @param key OSM key to search for. Useful keys include \code{building},
#' \code{waterway}, \code{natural}, \code{grass}, \code{park}, \code{amenity},
#' \code{shop}, \code{boundary}, and \code{highway}. Others will be passed
#' directly to the overpass API and may not necessarily return results.
#' @param value OSM value to match to key. If \code{NULL}, all keys will be
#' returned.  Negation is specified by \code{!value}.
#' @param extra_pairs A list of additional \code{key-value} pairs to be passed
#' to the overpass API.
#' @param return_type If specified, force return of spatial (\code{point},
#' \code{line}, \code{polygon}, \code{multiline}, \code{multipolygon}) objects.
#' \code{return_type = 'line'} will, for example, always return a
#' SpatialLinesDataFrame. If not specified, defaults to 'sensible' values (for
#' example, \code{lines} for highways, \code{points} for trees, \code{polygons}
#' for buildings).
#' @param sf If \code{TRUE}, return Simple Features (\code{sf}) objects;
#' otherwise Spatial (\code{sp}) objects.
#' @param geom_only If \code{TRUE}, return only those OSM data describing the
#' geometric object; otherwise return all data describing each object.
#' @param quiet If \code{FALSE}, provides notification of progress.
#' @return Either a \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame},
#' or \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{add_osm_objects}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.50, -0.11, 51.52))
#' dat_B <- extract_osm_objects (key = "building", bbox = bbox)
#' dat_H <- extract_osm_objects (key = "highway", bbox = bbox)
#' dat_BR <- extract_osm_objects (
#'     key = "building",
#'     value = "residential",
#'     bbox = bbox
#' )
#' dat_HP <- extract_osm_objects (
#'     key = "highway",
#'     value = "primary",
#'     bbox = bbox
#' )
#' dat_HNP <- extract_osm_objects (
#'     key = "highway",
#'     value = "!primary",
#'     bbox = bbox
#' )
#' extra_pairs <- c ("name", "Royal.Festival.Hall")
#' dat <- extract_osm_objects (
#'     key = "building", extra_pairs = extra_pairs,
#'     bbox = bbox
#' )
#' }
#' @family data-extraction
#' @export
extract_osm_objects <- function (bbox, key = NULL, value, extra_pairs,
                                 return_type, sf = TRUE,
                                 geom_only = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {

    check_arg (key, "key", "character")

    bbox <- check_bbox_arg (bbox)
    if (!missing (value) && missing (key)) {
        stop ("key must be provided for value")

    qkv <- get_q_key_vals (key, value, extra_pairs)
    q_keys <- qkv$key
    q_vals <- qkv$vals

    # default to non-exact matches
    qry <- osmdata::opq (bbox = bbox)
    for (i in seq (q_keys)) {

        key_exact <- FALSE
        if (!is.na (q_vals [i]) && substring (q_vals [i], 1, 1) == "!") {
            key_exact <- TRUE
        if (is.na (q_vals [i])) {
            qry <- osmdata::add_osm_feature (qry,
                key = q_keys [i],
                key_exact = key_exact,
                value_exact = FALSE,
                match_case = FALSE
        } else {
            qry <- osmdata::add_osm_feature (qry,
                key = q_keys [i],
                value = q_vals [i],
                key_exact = key_exact,
                value_exact = FALSE,
                match_case = FALSE

    if (sf) {
        obj <- osmdata::osmdata_sf (qry, quiet = quiet)
    } else {
        obj <- osmdata::osmdata_sp (qry, quiet = quiet)

    obj <- get_obj_from_return_type (obj, return_type, q_keys, q_vals)

    if (NROW (obj) == 0) {
        warning (
            "No valid data returned. ",
            "(Maybe try a different 'return_type')"

    if (geom_only) {

        if (sf) {

            indx <- match (c ("osm_id", "geometry"), names (obj))
            obj <- obj [, indx]
        } else {

            attr (obj, "data") <- NULL

    return (obj)

get_q_key_vals <- function (key, value, extra_pairs) {

    q_keys <- key
    if (missing (value)) {
        q_vals <- NA
    } else {
        q_vals <- value
        # If primary value is negation, then repeat primary key
        if (substring (q_vals, 1, 1) == "!") {

            q_keys <- rep (q_keys, 2)
            q_vals <- c (NA, q_vals)

    if (!missing (extra_pairs)) {

        if (!is.list (extra_pairs)) {
            extra_pairs <- list (extra_pairs)
        nprs <- vapply (extra_pairs, length, 1L)
        if (!all (nprs %in% 1:2)) {
            stop ("Extra pairs must be just keys or key-val pairs")

        q_keys <- c (
            vapply (extra_pairs, function (x) x [1], character (1))
        q_vals <- c (
            vapply (extra_pairs, function (x) x [2], character (1))

    val_list <- c ("grass", "park", "tree", "water")
    key_list <- c ("landuse", "leisure", "natural", "natural")
    indx <- which (q_keys %in% val_list)
    if (length (indx) > 0) {

        indx2 <- match (q_keys [indx], val_list)
        q_keys [indx] <- key_list [indx2]
        q_vals [indx] <- val_list [indx2]

    return (list (keys = q_keys, vals = q_vals))

get_obj_from_return_type <- function (obj, return_type, q_keys, q_vals) {

    if (!missing (return_type)) {

        return_type <- tolower (return_type)
        if (substring (return_type, 1, 3) == "poi") {
            obj <- obj$osm_points
        } else if (substring (return_type, 1, 1) == "l") {
            obj <- obj$osm_lines
        } else if (substring (return_type, 1, 6) == "multil") {
            obj <- obj$osm_multilines
        } else if (substring (return_type, 1, 6) == "multip") {
            obj <- obj$osm_multipolygons
        } else {
            obj <- obj$osm_polygons
    } else {

        if ("highway" %in% q_keys) {
            obj <- obj$osm_lines
        } else if ("building" %in% q_keys || "landuse" %in% q_keys ||
            "leisure" %in% q_keys ||
            ("natural" %in% q_keys && "water" %in% q_vals)) {
            obj <- obj$osm_polygons
        } else if ("route" %in% q_keys) {
            obj <- obj$osm_multilines
        } else if ("boundary" %in% q_keys || "waterway" %in% q_keys) {
            obj <- obj$osm_multipolygons
        } else if ("natural" %in% q_keys && "tree" %in% q_vals) {
            obj <- obj$osm_points
        } else {

            message (paste0 (
                "Cannot determine return_type;",
                " maybe specify explicitly?"
            obj <- obj$osm_lines
mpadge/osmplotr documentation built on July 20, 2024, 4:40 a.m.