
#' order_lines
#' Accepts a single way as list of matrices representing an OpenStreetMap line
#' object such as a highway. The list items of these objects are arbitrarily
#' organised within OpenStreetMap. This function orders the components,
#' returning a list of components each of which is ordered sequentially along
#' the line. This list itself may contain several components where individual
#' highway components either branch or are discrete.
#' @param sp_lines A \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame} returned from
#' \code{extract_osm_objects}.
#' @return A list of ordered line segments.
#' @section Note:
#' This function is primarily used in \code{extract_highways}.
#' @noRd
order_lines <- function (xy) {

    xy_ord <- list (xy [[1]])
    xy [[1]] <- NULL
    while (length (xy) > 0) {

        ex <- extend_ord_list (xy, xy_ord)
        xy <- ex$xy
        xy_ord <- ex$xy_ord

    return (xy_ord)

extend_ord_list <- function (xy, xy_ord) {

    fn <- "head"
    ordi <- which_ord (xy_ord, xy, fn)
    if (ordi == 0) {

        fn <- "tail"
        ordi <- which_ord (xy_ord, xy, fn)

    if (ordi > 0) {

        xy_ordi <- xy_ord [[ordi]]
        # xy_ordi is element of xy_ord that has either the head or tail of xy

        xyi <- which (which_xy (xy = xy, xy_ordi = xy_ordi, fn = fn)) [1]
        # [1] in case of mulitple matches

        xtmp <- xy [[xyi]]
        xy [[xyi]] <- NULL
        xy_ord [[ordi]] <- rbind_xy (xtmp, xy_ordi)
    } else { # no join so add first element of xy to xy_ord_list

        xy_ord [[length (xy_ord) + 1]] <- xy [[1]]
        xy [[1]] <- NULL

    return (list ("xy" = xy, "xy_ord" = xy_ord))

# which element of xy_ord contains head or tail element of any component of xy.
# xy_ord has muliple list items only when a single highway has distinct or
# branching components. This fn finds which component the element xy is to be
# added to.
# @return single int index into xy_ord
which_ord <- function (xy_ord, xy, fn = "head") {

    max (0, which (vapply (xy_ord, function (i) {
        max (0, which_xy (i, xy = xy, fn = fn))
    }, numeric (1)) > 0))

# which element of xy has head or tail of xy_ord [[i]]
# @return logical vector same length as xy
which_xy <- function (xy, xy_ordi, fn = "head") {

    vapply (xy, function (i) {
        do.call (fn, list (rownames (xy_ordi), 1)) %in% rownames (i)
    }, logical (1))

#' rbind_xy
#' rbind xy to xy_ordi, flipping both where necessary
#' @noRd
rbind_xy <- function (xy, xy_ord) {

    if (head (rownames (xy_ord), 1) %in% rownames (xy)) {
        xy_ord <- apply (xy_ord, 2, rev)
    } # flip to rbind at bottom
    if (tail (rownames (xy), 1) %in% rownames (xy_ord)) {
        xy <- apply (xy, 2, rev)
    } # flip to rbind at top

    # rownames don't carry if xy only has 2 rows - tibble it?
    xynm <- rownames (xy) [2:nrow (xy)]
    xy <- matrix (xy [2:nrow (xy), ], ncol = 2)
    rownames (xy) <- xynm
    rbind (xy_ord, xy)
mpadge/osmplotr documentation built on July 20, 2024, 4:40 a.m.