library ("pkgstatsAnalyses") here <- here::here () v_data_dir <- file.path (here, "vignettes", "data") datafile <- file.path (here, "data-raw", "pkgstats-results.Rds") f_fig2_top10 <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig02-top10.Rds") f_fig2_tr <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig02-tr.Rds") fig2_calc_top10_data <- !file.exists (f_fig2_top10) fig2_calc_tr_data <- !file.exists (f_fig2_tr) fig02_png <- file.path (here, "vignettes", "figures", "_fig02.png") fig2_calc_top10_data <- fig2_calc_top10_data & !file.exists (fig02_png) fig2_calc_tr_data <- fig2_calc_tr_data & !file.exists (fig02_png)
x <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) x <- lapply (split (x, f = as.factor (x$year)), function (i) { urls <- unlist (strsplit (i$urls, ",|;|\\n|\\s")) urls <- gsub ("^(\\s*?)http(s?)\\:\\/\\/", "", urls [! (urls)]) urls <- table (gsub ("\\/.*$", "", urls)) urls <- sort (urls, decreasing = TRUE) data.frame (year = rep (i$year [1], length (urls)), url = names (urls), n = as.integer (urls)) }) x <- (rbind, x) x <- x [which (!x$url == ""), ] rownames (x) <- NULL x$year <- lubridate::year (paste0 (x$year, "-01-01")) top10 <- x |> group_by (url) |> summarise (n = sum (n)) |> arrange (desc (n)) top10 <- top10 [-grep ("^(cran|www\\.r-project)", top10$url), ] x_top10 <- x [which (x$url %in% top10$url [1:10]), ] x_top10$n [x_top10$url == ""] <- x_top10$n [x_top10$url == ""] / 20 saveRDS (x_top10, f_fig2_top10)
x <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) x$translations [x$translations == "NA"] <- NA_character_ tr <- lapply (split (x, f = as.factor (x$year)), function (i) { tr <- unlist (strsplit (i$translations, ",")) tr <- gsub ("^\\s*|\\s*$", "", tr [which (! (tr))]) tab <- sort (table (tr), decreasing = TRUE) data.frame (translation = names (tab), n = as.integer (tab)) }) tr <- tr [which (vapply (tr, nrow, integer (1)) > 0)] for (i in seq_along (tr)) { tr [[i]]$year <- names (tr) [i] } tr <- (rbind, tr) rownames (tr) <- NULL tr$year <- lubridate::year (paste0 (tr$year, "-01-01")) # total numbers of packages for each year: n <- x |> group_by (year) |> summarise (n = length (unique (package))) tr$ntot <- n$n [match (tr$year, n$year)] tr_summary <- tr |> group_by (translation) |> summarise (n = sum (n)) |> arrange (desc (n)) top10 <- tr_summary$translation [1:10] tr_top10 <- tr [which (tr$translation %in% top10), ] tr_all <- tr |> group_by (year) |> summarise (n = sum (n), ntot = head (ntot, 1)) tr_all$translation <- "ALL" tr_top10 <- bind_rows (tr_top10, tr_all) saveRDS (tr_top10, f_fig2_tr)
tr <- readRDS (f_fig2_tr) tr$proportion <- tr$n / tr$ntot # Rate of decrease since 2015: decr_year <- function (tr, year = 2010) { tmp <- tr [tr$year >= year & tr$translation == "ALL", ] mod <- lm (proportion ~ year, data = tmp) 100 * mod$coefficients [2] } d <- c (decr_year (tr, 2008), decr_year (tr, 2010), decr_year (tr, 2015)) # colours from `ggplot_build(p1)$data`: #tr |> # ggplot (aes (x = year, y = n, color = translation)) + # geom_line () -> p1 #dat <- ggplot_build (p1)$data [[1]] #unique (dat$colour) cols <- c ("de" = "#F8766D", "en@quot" = "#D89000", "es" = "#A3A500", "fr" = "#39B600", "it" = "#00BF7D", "ja" = "#00BFC4", "ko" = "#00B0F6", "pl" = "#9590FF", "pt_BR" = "#E76BF3", "ru" = "#FF62BC") #"ALL" = "#111111") # But don't plot "ALL" because it doesn't add much tr <- tr |> filter (translation != "ALL") tr |> ggplot (aes (x = year, y = proportion, color = translation)) + geom_line () + scale_colour_manual (values = cols) + ggtitle ("A: Top 10 translations") + guides (color = guide_legend (ncol = 2)) -> p1 readRDS (f_fig2_top10) |> ggplot (aes (x = year, y = n, color = url)) + geom_line () + ggtitle ("B: Top 10 URLs") + #theme (legend.position = c (0.2, 0.7), # legend.background = element_rect(fill='transparent', colour='transparent')) + guides (color = guide_legend (ncol = 2)) -> p2 png (fig02_png, width = 7, height = 7, units = "in", res = 300) p1 / p2 ()
knitr::include_graphics (fig02_png)
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