library ("pkgstatsAnalyses") here <- here::here () v_data_dir <- file.path (here, "vignettes", "data") datafile <- file.path (here, "data-raw", "pkgstats-results.Rds") fig06_png <- file.path (here, "vignettes", "figures", "_fig06.png") f_fig6_exdat <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig06-ext-calls.Rds") calc_ext_calls_dat <- !file.exists (f_fig6_exdat) & !file.exists (fig06_png) cp_dat_file <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig06-coupling-data.Rds") cp_dat_exists <- file.exists (cp_dat_file) f_fig6_deps <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig06-deps.Rds") f_fig6_gini <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig06-gini.Rds") # gini coeffs are then actually Fig. 7 calc_fig6_deps <- !file.exists(f_fig6_deps) & !file.exists (fig06_png) f_top10 <- file.path (v_data_dir, "fig06-top10-pkgs.Rds") calc_top10 <- !file.exists (f_top10) & !file.exists (fig06_png)
recommended <- recommended_pkgs ()
# select latest packages only x <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) |> group_by (package) |> slice_max (date) x <- x [which (!( (x$external_calls) | x$external_calls == "")), ] saveRDS (x, f_fig6_exdat)
x <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) deps1 <- dependencies (x, cran_by_year = TRUE) deps1$deps$what <- deps1$gini$what <- "cran_by_year" deps2 <- dependencies (x, cran_by_year = FALSE) deps2$deps$what <- deps2$gini$what <- "annual" gini <- rbind (deps1$gini, deps2$gini) deps <- rbind (deps1$deps, deps2$deps) saveRDS (deps, f_fig6_deps) saveRDS (gini, f_fig6_gini)
cp_dat1 <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) |> summarise_coupling_data (cran_by_year = TRUE) cp_dat2 <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) |> summarise_coupling_data (cran_by_year = FALSE) cp_dat1$what <- "cran_by_year" cp_dat2$what <- "annual" cp_dat <- rbind (cp_dat1, cp_dat2) saveRDS (cp_dat, cp_dat_file)
deps <- readRDS (f_fig6_deps) deps <- deps [deps$category == "unique", ] deps_cran <- deps [deps$what == "cran_by_year", ] deps <- deps [deps$what == "annual", ] p1 <- ggplot (deps, aes (x = year, y = proportion, colour = type)) + geom_line () + geom_line (data = deps_cran, show.legend = FALSE, lty = 2) + ggtitle ("A: Fn calls") + theme (legend.title = element_blank (), legend.position = c (0.4, 0.6), legend.background = element_rect(fill='transparent', colour='transparent'))
x <- load_pkgstats_data (datafile, raw = TRUE, latest = FALSE) |> filter (! (external_calls)) |> filter (external_calls != "") deps <- lapply (seq (nrow (x)), function (i) { # a few have rogue colons at start: ex <- gsub ("^\\:", "", x$external_calls [i]) out <- strsplit (strsplit (ex, ",") [[1]], "\\:") lens <- vapply (out, length, integer (1)) out <- (rbind, out [which (lens == 3)]) this_pkg <- x$package [i] out <- out [which (out [, 1] != this_pkg), , drop = FALSE] out <- cbind (out, rep (x$month [i], nrow (out))) return (out) }) deps <- (rbind, deps) # manual cleaning until # '\' is punct, but 'n' is not, so first get rid of '\n': deps [, 1] <- gsub ("^\\\\\\\\n", "", deps [, 1]) deps [, 1] <- gsub ("^[[:punct:]]*", "", deps [, 1]) deps <- deps [which (deps [, 1] != ""), ] deps <- data.frame (package = deps [, 1], date = lubridate::as_date (as.integer (deps [, 4])), n_total = as.integer (deps [, 2]), n_unique = as.integer (deps [, 3])) deps <- deps |> mutate (year = lubridate::year (date)) |> group_by (year, package) |> summarise (n = sum (n_unique), .groups = "keep") saveRDS (deps, f_top10)
# Values for total and unique are almost identical, so only show unique cp_dat <- readRDS (cp_dat_file) |> select (-c (total_median, unique_median)) |> rename (total = total_mean, unique = unique_mean) |> mutate (lo = total - total_se, hi = total + total_se) |> #pivot_longer (cols = c (total, unique)) |> #rename (instability = value, type = name) rename (instability = total) cp_dat$lty <- cp_dat$what == "annual" cp_dat$year <- as.integer (cp_dat$year) p2 <- ggplot (cp_dat, aes (x = year, y = instability, colour = what, lty = lty)) + geom_ribbon (aes (ymin = lo, ymax = hi, fill = what, colour = NULL), alpha = 0.15, show.legend = FALSE) + geom_line () + theme (legend.position = "none") + ggtitle ("B: Instability")
gini <- readRDS (f_fig6_gini) |> filter (scale == "lin" & category != "unique") gini$category [gini$category == "tot"] <- "fn_calls" gini$category [gini$category == "deps"] <- "pkg_deps" gini_cran <- gini |> filter (what == "cran_by_year") gini <- gini |> filter (what == "annual") gini <- ggplot (gini, aes (x = year, y = gini, colour = category)) + geom_line () + geom_line (data = gini_cran, show.legend = FALSE, lty = 2) + ggtitle ("C: Gini coeff") + ylab ("Gini coefficient") + theme (legend.title = element_blank (), legend.position = c (0.5, 0.2), legend.background = element_rect(fill='transparent', colour='transparent'))
deps <- readRDS (f_top10) top <- deps |> group_by (package) |> summarise (n = sum (n)) |> arrange (desc (n)) |> filter (!package %in% c ("base", recommended)) top10 <- top [1:10, ] prop_top2 <- sum (top$n [1:2]) / sum (top$n) prop_top2 <- round (100 * prop_top2, digits = 1) deps10 <- deps [deps$package %in% top10$package [1:10], ] deps10 |> ggplot (aes (x = year, y = n, colour = package)) + geom_line () + ggtitle ("D: Calls to top 10 packages") + ylab ("Number of calls") + scale_y_log10 () + theme (legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = c (0.20, 0.75), legend.background = element_rect(fill='transparent', colour='transparent')) + guides (color = guide_legend (ncol = 3)) -> p3
prop_top2 <- 15.2
png (fig06_png, width = 7, height = 7, units = "in", res = 300) (p1 | p2 | gini) / p3 ()
knitr::include_graphics (fig06_png)
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