london: london

londonR Documentation



A list of Simple Features (sf) data.frame objects containing OpenStreetMap polygons, lines, and points for various OpenStreetMap structures in a small part of central London, U.K. (bbox = -0.13, 51.51, -0.11, 51.52). The list includes:

  1. dat_H: 974 non-primary highways as linestrings

  2. dat_HP: 159 primary highways as linestrings

  3. dat_BNR: 1,716 non-residential buildings as polygons

  4. dat_BR: 43 residential buildings as polygons

  5. dat_BC: 67 commerical buildings as polygons

  6. dat_A: 372 amenities as polygons

  7. dat_P: 13 parks as polygons

  8. dat_T: 688 trees as points

  9. dat_RFH: 1 polygon representing Royal Festival Hall

  10. dat_ST: 1 polygon representing 150 Stamford Street


A list of spatial objects


The vignette basic-maps details how these data were downloaded. Note that these internal versions have had all descriptive data removed other than their names, geometries, and their OSM identification numbers.

mpadge/urbanplotr documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 4:34 a.m.