  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>")
options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)


The purpose of this vignette is to demonstrate how to use the razviz package to produce a pdf report of longitudinal profile graphs for a set of HEC-RAS hydraulic model scenarios. A longitudinal Profile Graph displays water surface elevations on the y-axis by longitudinal river position (aka "river miles") on the x-axis. For this example we will use a RAS model of the Upper Mississippi River. The razviz::longitudinal_profile_plot function is tailored to evaluating RAS model results on a large river system. A comprehensive longitudinal profile graph for a large river system must include a wide range of ancillary information to allow hydraulic engineers to evaluate model results during calibration and floodplain managers to evaluate the impact of model scenarios on built infrastructure. This longitudinal profile plot incorporates the following ancillary data:

Symbolization of these ancillary graph elements requires a dataset for each. The razviz user is required to develop these datasets first, following the structure of the package datasets provided.

HEC-RAS models are often used to model long river reaches. Effective longitudinal profile graphs must have sufficient x and y-axis resolution to see the differences between model scenarios and relationship to ancillary data (i.e., gage stage, high water marks, levees, bridges). This requires that long model reaches must be graphed using multiple graphs. However, each graph should not be too "zoomed-in" or medium and large scale trends are obscured. The purpose of the razviz:long_plot_pages function is to define the graph dimensions for multiple page longitudinal profile graph reports. Users will need to adjust the miles_per_plot parameter to find the right "scale" for your reach.


Begin by loading the needed packages.


Next, we'll install the razviz package.

devtools::install_github(repo = "mpdougherty/razviz", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Finally, we'll load the razviz package.


Hydraulic Model Output

In this step we'll prepare the hydro model results.

path <- system.file("extdata/longitudinal_profiles", 
                    package = "razviz")
pattern <- "Freq"
hydro_model <- razviz::combine_files(path = path, pattern = pattern)
## Create `Event` field for labeling
hydro_model$Event <- hydro_model$Freq
## Filter the Events
model_events <- c("2 Year", "100 Year", "500 Year", "100000 Year")
hydro_model_1 <- dplyr::filter(hydro_model, Event %in% model_events)
## Set Event as an ordered factor
hydro_model_1$Event <- factor(hydro_model_1$Event,
                              levels = model_events,
                              labels = model_events)

High Water Marks

In this step we'll prepare the high water marks dataset.

high_water_csv <- system.file("extdata/longitudinal_profiles",
                              package = "razviz")
high_water <- readr::read_csv(high_water_csv)
## Define high water events
high_water_years <- c("2008", "2013", "2014")
high_water_events_df <- razviz::high_water_events(high_water, high_water_years)

Longitudinal Plot Pages

In this step we'll define the number of longitudinal profile pages needed for the report. The razviz::long_plot_pages function determines the x and y-axis extents of each graph.

miles_per_plot <- 60
long_plot_pages_df <- razviz::long_plot_pages(hydro_model,

Gage locations

In this step we'll prepare the gage dataset.

gage_csv <- system.file("extdata/longitudinal_profiles", 
                        package = "razviz")
gages <- readr::read_csv(gage_csv)

## Remove double backslashes introduced by R import
gages$name <- gsub("\\n", "\n", gages$name, fixed=TRUE)

Gage Labels

In this step we'll define the stage text labels that appear next to the gage boxes. These labels represent the stage in units feet for each gage.

stage_interval_label <- 5
gage_labels_df <- razviz::gage_labels(gages, stage_interval_label)

Gage Boxes

In this step we'll define the dimensions of the boxes used to draw the gage stage levels for all gages.

stage_interval_boxes <- 1
box_width <- 0.1
gage_boxes_df <- razviz::gage_boxes(gages, stage_interval_boxes, box_width)


In this step we'll prepare the levee dataset.

levees_csv <- system.file("extdata/longitudinal_profiles",
                          package = "razviz")
levees <- readr::read_csv(levees_csv)


In this step we'll prepare the river features dataset.

features_csv <- system.file("extdata/longitudinal_profiles",
                            package = "razviz")
features <- readr::read_csv(features_csv)


In this step we'll prepare the bridges dataset.

bridges_csv <- system.file("extdata/longitudinal_profiles",
                           package = "razviz")
bridges <- readr::read_csv(bridges_csv)

Graph Colors

In this step we'll assign the colors to each of the series in the graph.

graph_cols <- c("2 Year"      = "darkslategray4",
                "100 Year"    = "cadetblue3",
                "500 Year"    = "coral3",
                "100000 Year" = "burlywood3",
                "2008"        = "red",
                "2013"        = "red",
                "2014"        = "red",
                "LEFT"        = "palevioletred2",
                "RIGHT"       = "palevioletred4")

Legend Labels

In this step we'll assign the legend labels.

legend_labels <- c("2 Year", "100 Year", "500 Year", "100000 Year",
                   "2008", "2013", "2014",
                   "Left Bank", "Right Bank")

Plot Labels

In this step we'll assign the plot labels.

plot_labels <- list("title" = "Upper Mississippi River Hydraulic Model - Keokuk to Thebes",
                    "x_axis" = "Miles Above the Ohio River",
                    "y_axis" = "Elevation (NAVD88 feet)")

Output Folder

In this step we'll define the output folder.

output_dir <- "C:/temp"
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {dir.create(output_dir)}

Longitudinal Profile Report

In this step we'll call the longitudinal profile graph report.

razviz::longitudinal_profile_report(hydro_model = hydro_model_1,
                                    long_plot_pgs = long_plot_pages_df,
                                    gages = gages,
                                    gage_labels_df = gage_labels_df,
                                    gage_boxes_df = gage_boxes_df,
                                    high_water = high_water_events_df,
                                    levees = levees,
                                    features = features,
                                    bridges = bridges,
                                    graph_colors = graph_cols,
                                    legend_labels = legend_labels,
                                    plot_labels = plot_labels,
                                    output_dir = output_dir)

mpdougherty/razviz documentation built on April 1, 2021, 4:16 p.m.