
The purpose of this project is to develop a method to streamline the production of hydrographs for each RAS cross section for calibration runs of HEC-RAS hydrologic models.

Import functions

This section defines several import functions used to import DSSVue output into R.


# A function for parsing a character date field into a POSIXct date time
add_date_field <- function(df) {
    # Concatenate Date and Time fields into a single character field
    df$date_string <- paste(df$Date, df$Time)
    # Search and replace date times with time = 24:00 hour (invalid) to time = 23:59 hour
    df$date_string <- str_replace(df$date_string, pattern = ".(24:00)$", replacement = " 23:59")
    # Create date field and parse date time character string of the form "30 April 2008 06:00"
    df$date <- parse_datetime(x = df$date_string, format = "%d %B %Y %H:%M")
# A function for combining all of the .csv files in a directory
combine_files <- function(path, col_types) { 
  files <- dir(path, pattern = '\\.csv', full.names = TRUE)
  tables <- lapply(X = files, FUN = read_csv, col_types = col_types)
  df <- bind_rows(tables)

# Create a column type specification for data import
## Manual export from RAS
RAS_col_types = cols(
                "River"     = col_character(),
                "Reach"     = col_character(),
                "River Sta" = col_character(),
                "Profile"   = col_character(),
                "Q Total"   = col_double(),
                "Min Ch El" = col_double(),
                "W.S. Elev" = col_double(),
                "Obs WS"    = col_double())
## From DSSVue script
DSSVue_script_col_types = cols(
                "ModelCrossSection" = col_character(),
                "ModelRiver"        = col_character(),
                "ModelReach"        = col_character(),
                "Date"              = col_character(),
                "Time"              = col_character(),
                "W.S. Elev"         = col_double(),
                "Obs WS"            = col_double(),
                "Modeled Q"         = col_double(),
                "Obs Q"             = col_double())

Fix rouge input files

# Run these once to fix and then comment out. Do not re-run each time. 
# Fix incorrect date format for 2013_calibration_3 RM 93.97
#problem_child_1 <- read_csv(file = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report #Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2013_calibration_3/RM93.97_MISSISSIPPI_KASKY_BIGMUDDY.csv",
#                    col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
#problem_child_1$Date <- format(as.Date(problem_child_1$Date, "%d-%b-%y"), "%e %B %Y")
#          path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report #Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2013_calibration_3/RM93.97_MISSISSIPPI_KASKY_BIGMUDDY.csv")

Import DSSVue output

This section imports DSSVue output from several RAS model calibration runs.

Import 2008 Event


# Import 2008 calibration #1
cal.2008_1 <- combine_files(path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2008_calibration_1",
                            col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
cal.2008_1 <- add_date_field(cal.2008_1)
cal.2008_1 <- add_column(cal.2008_1, Event = "2008", .after = 11)
cal.2008_1 <- add_column(cal.2008_1, Run_type = "Calibration", .after = 12)
cal.2008_1 <- add_column(cal.2008_1, Run_num = 1, .after = 13)
# Import 2008 calibration #2
cal.2008_2 <- combine_files(path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2008_calibration_2",
                            col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
cal.2008_2 <- add_date_field(cal.2008_2)
cal.2008_2 <- add_column(cal.2008_2, Event = "2008", .after = 11)
cal.2008_2 <- add_column(cal.2008_2, Run_type = "Calibration", .after = 12)
cal.2008_2 <- add_column(cal.2008_2, Run_num = 2, .after = 13)
# Import 2008 calibration #3

Import 2013 Event

# Import 2013 calibration #1
cal.2013_1 <- combine_files(path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2013_calibration_1",
                            col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
cal.2013_1 <- add_date_field(cal.2013_1)
cal.2013_1 <- add_column(cal.2013_1, Event = "2013", .after = 11)
cal.2013_1 <- add_column(cal.2013_1, Run_type = "Calibration", .after = 12)
cal.2013_1 <- add_column(cal.2013_1, Run_num = 1, .after = 13)
# Import 2013 calibration #3
cal.2013_3 <- combine_files(path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2013_calibration_3",
                            col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
cal.2013_3 <- add_date_field(cal.2013_3)
cal.2013_3 <- add_column(cal.2013_3, Event = "2013", .after = 11)
cal.2013_3 <- add_column(cal.2013_3, Run_type = "Calibration", .after = 12)
cal.2013_3 <- add_column(cal.2013_3, Run_num = 3, .after = 13)

Import 2014 Event

# Import 2014 calibration #1
cal.2014_1 <- combine_files(path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2014_calibration_1",
                            col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
cal.2014_1 <- add_date_field(cal.2014_1)
cal.2014_1 <- add_column(cal.2014_1, Event = "2014", .after = 11)
cal.2014_1 <- add_column(cal.2014_1, Run_type = "Calibration", .after = 12)
cal.2014_1 <- add_column(cal.2014_1, Run_num = 1, .after = 13)

Import 2017 Event

# Import 2017 calibration #1
cal.2017_1 <- combine_files(path = "//mvr-netapp2/mvrdata/ED/ec-h/projects/Mississippi_Basin/CWMS Project/UMR Report Documentation/calibration/data/DSS_script/2017_calibration_1",
                            col_types = DSSVue_script_col_types)
cal.2017_1 <- add_date_field(cal.2017_1)
cal.2017_1 <- add_column(cal.2017_1, Event = "2017", .after = 11)
cal.2017_1 <- add_column(cal.2017_1, Run_type = "Calibration", .after = 12)
cal.2017_1 <- add_column(cal.2017_1, Run_num = 1, .after = 13)

Combine all runs and events and recode

# Append all runs and events
cal <- bind_rows(cal.2008_1, cal.2013_1, cal.2014_1, cal.2017_1, cal.2008_2, cal.2013_3)
# Fix column names
cal <- rename(cal, River_Sta   = `ModelCrossSection`, 
                   River       = `ModelRiver`,
                   Reach       = `ModelReach`,
                   Model_Q     = `Modeled Q`, 
                   Obs_Q       = `Obs Q`, 
                   WS_Elev     = `W.S. Elev`, 
                   Obs_WS      = `Obs WS`)
# Assign factors
cal$River     <- factor(cal$River)
cal$Reach     <- factor(cal$Reach)
cal$River_Sta <- as.numeric(cal$River_Sta)
cal$River_Sta <- factor(cal$River_Sta)
cal$Event     <- factor(cal$Event)
cal$Run_type  <- factor(cal$Run_type)
cal$Run_num   <- factor(cal$Run_num)
# Recode variables
cal$River <- recode_factor(cal$River, "MISSISSIPPI" = "Mississippi")
cal$Reach <- recode_factor(cal$Reach, 
                           "BIG MUDDY_OHIO"     = "Big Muddy to Ohio", 
                           "FOXTOBEAR"          = "Fox to Bear",
                           "ILLINOIS_MIZZOU"    = "Illinois to Mizzou",
                           "IOWATODESM"         = "Iowa to Des Moines",
                           "KASKY_BIGMUDDY"     = "Kaskaskia to Big Muddy",
                           "MERAMEC_KASKY"      = "Meramec to Kaskaskia",
                           "MISSOURI_MERAMEC"   = "Missouri to Meramec",
                           "NORTHTOSALT"        = "North to Salt",
                           "SALT_CUIVRE"        = "Salt to Cuivre",
                           "WYACONDATOFABIUS"   = "Wyaconda to Fabius",
                           "CUIVRE_ILLINOIS"    = "Cuivre to Illinois",
                           "LD 22_SALT"         = "Lock & Dam 22 to Salt")
# Gather modeled and observed water surface elevations and discharge into a new field
cal_gath <- gather(data = cal, WS_Elev, Obs_WS, Model_Q, Obs_Q, key = "Type", value = "Value")
# Assign factors
cal_gath$Type <- factor(cal_gath$Type)


# Remove intermediate data frames
rm(cal.2008_1, cal.2013_1, cal.2014_1, cal.2017_1, cal.2008_2, cal.2013_3)

Create Hydrograph Plot Pages

# Create a table with a unique set of records for "Run_type", "Run_num", "River_Sta", "Event"
cal_plots <- unique(cal[,c("Run_type", "Run_num", "River_Sta")])
# Sort the cal_plots table
cal_plots <- arrange(cal_plots, Run_type, Run_num, desc(River_Sta))
# Create a column to represent plot numbers
cal_plots <- add_column(cal_plots, plot = 1:length(cal_plots$Run_type), .before = 1)

Calculate Goodness-of-fit Statistics

# Create a table with a unique set of records for "Run_type", "Run_num", "River_Sta", "Event"
cal_stats <- unique(cal[,c("Run_type", "Run_num", "River_Sta", "Event")])
# Sort the table by "Run_type", "Run_num", "Event", "River_Sta"
cal_stats <- arrange(cal_stats, Run_type, Run_num, Event, desc(River_Sta))
# Create a column to represent river mile events
cal_stats <- add_column(cal_stats, rm_event = 1:length(cal_stats$Run_type), .before = 1)
# Add goodness-of-fit fields to cal_stats
cal_stats <- add_column(cal_stats, WS_R2   = as.numeric(rep(NA, times = length(cal_stats$rm_event))))
cal_stats <- add_column(cal_stats, WS_RMSE = as.numeric(rep(NA, times = length(cal_stats$rm_event))))
cal_stats <- add_column(cal_stats, WS_MAE  = as.numeric(rep(NA, times = length(cal_stats$rm_event))))
# A function to calculate modeled versus observed statistics
rm_event_stats <- function(rm_event, cal_stats) {
    # Get values from the cal_stats table for the current rm_event
    run_type  <- cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$Run_type
    run_num   <- cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$Run_num
    river_sta <- cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$River_Sta
    event     <- cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$Event
    # Subset the cal data frame for the rm_event
    c <- cal[cal$Run_type == run_type & cal$Run_num == run_num & cal$River_Sta == river_sta & cal$Event == event,]
    # Test if modeled or observed water surface elevations are all NA
    if (!all(is.na(c$WS_Elev)) | !all(is.na(c$Obs_WS))) {
        # Create linear model of modeled water surface elevation
        rm_event_lm <- lm(c$WS_Elev ~ c$Obs_WS, data = c)
        # Set R Squared for modeled water surface elevaton
        cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$WS_R2 <- summary(rm_event_lm)$r.squared
        # Set RMSE for modeled water surface elevaton
        cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$WS_RMSE <- sqrt(mean((c$WS_Elev - c$Obs_WS)^2))
        # Set Mean Average Error (MAE) for modeled water surface elevation
        cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == rm_event,]$WS_MAE <- mean(abs(c$WS_Elev - c$Obs_WS))
    #print(paste("rm_event:", as.character(rm_event), 
    #            "WS_RSME:", as.character(sqrt(mean((c$WS_Elev - c$Obs_WS)^2))),
    #            "WS_MAE:", as.character(mean(abs(c$WS_Elev - c$Obs_WS)))
    #            ))
# Iterate through cal_stats table and calculate stats
for (j in cal_stats$rm_event) {
    # Set the current rm_event
    rm_event <- cal_stats[cal_stats$rm_event == j,]$rm_event
    # Call the goodness-of-fit stats function
    cal_stats <- rm_event_stats(rm_event, cal_stats)

Create GOF pages

# Create a table with a unique set of records for "Run_type", "Run_num", "River_Sta", "Event"
cal_gof <- unique(cal[,c("Run_type", "Run_num")])

Create Goodness-of-fit Tables

# Calibration #1 Create summary statistics table for each calibration run event
c_1_2008 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "1" & cal_stats$Event == "2008", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_1_2013 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "1" & cal_stats$Event == "2013", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_1_2014 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "1" & cal_stats$Event == "2014", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_1_2017 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "1" & cal_stats$Event == "2017", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
# Join the events for calibration run #1
c_1.1 <- full_join(c_1_2008, c_1_2013, by = "River_Sta", suffix = c("_2008", "_2013"))
c_1.2 <- full_join(c_1_2014, c_1_2017, by = "River_Sta", suffix = c("_2014", "_2017"))
c_1   <- full_join(c_1.1, c_1.2,       by = "River_Sta")
c_1 <- arrange(c_1, desc(River_Sta))
# Remove intermediate data frames
rm(c_1_2008, c_1_2013, c_1_2014, c_1_2017, c_1.1, c_1.2)
# Calibration #2 Create summary statistics table for each calibration run event
c_2_2008 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "2" & cal_stats$Event == "2008", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_2_2013 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "2" & cal_stats$Event == "2013", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_2_2014 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "2" & cal_stats$Event == "2014", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_2_2017 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "2" & cal_stats$Event == "2017", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
# Join the events for calibration run #1
c_2.1 <- full_join(c_2_2008, c_2_2013, by = "River_Sta", suffix = c("_2008", "_2013"))
c_2.2 <- full_join(c_2_2014, c_2_2017, by = "River_Sta", suffix = c("_2014", "_2017"))
c_2   <- full_join(c_2.1, c_2.2,       by = "River_Sta")
c_2 <- arrange(c_2, desc(River_Sta))
# Remove intermediate data frames
rm(c_2_2008, c_2_2013, c_2_2014, c_2_2017, c_2.1, c_2.2)
# Calibration #3 Create summary statistics table for each calibration run event
c_3_2008 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "3" & cal_stats$Event == "2008", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_3_2013 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "3" & cal_stats$Event == "2013", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_3_2014 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "3" & cal_stats$Event == "2014", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
c_3_2017 <- cal_stats[cal_stats$Run_type == "Calibration" & cal_stats$Run_num == "3" & cal_stats$Event == "2017", 
                      c("River_Sta", "WS_R2", "WS_RMSE", "WS_MAE")]
# Join the events for calibration run #1
c_3.1 <- full_join(c_3_2008, c_3_2013, by = "River_Sta", suffix = c("_2008", "_2013"))
c_3.2 <- full_join(c_3_2014, c_3_2017, by = "River_Sta", suffix = c("_2014", "_2017"))
c_3   <- full_join(c_3.1, c_3.2,       by = "River_Sta")
c_3 <- arrange(c_3, desc(River_Sta))
# Create a list of gof data frames
c_list <- list(c_1, c_2, c_3)
# Remove intermediate data frames
rm(c_3_2008, c_3_2013, c_3_2014, c_3_2017, c_3.1, c_3.2)

Hydrograph Plot Function

hydrograph_plots <- function(plot_number) {
    # Get values from the cal_plots table for the current plot
    plot      <- cal_plots[cal_plots$plot == plot_number,]$plot
    run_type  <- cal_plots[cal_plots$plot == plot_number,]$Run_type
    run_num   <- cal_plots[cal_plots$plot == plot_number,]$Run_num
    river_sta <- cal_plots[cal_plots$plot == plot_number,]$River_Sta
    # Subset data frames for water surfaces
    df1 <- cal_gath[cal_gath$Run_type == run_type & cal_gath$Run_num == run_num & cal_gath$River_Sta == river_sta & 
                   (cal_gath$Type == "Obs_WS" | cal_gath$Type == "WS_Elev"),]
    # Subset data frames for discharges
    df2 <- cal_gath[cal_gath$Run_type == run_type & cal_gath$Run_num == run_num & cal_gath$River_Sta == river_sta & 
                   (cal_gath$Type == "Model_Q" | cal_gath$Type == "Obs_Q"),]
    # Define colors. Inspired by palettes from https://wesandersonpalettes.tumblr.com/ using names from colors(). 
    WS_cols          <- c("WS_Elev" = "darkslategray4", "Obs_WS" = "coral3")
    Discharge_cols   <- c("Model_Q" = "darkslategray4", "Obs_Q"  = "coral3")
    # Define labels
    WS_labels        <- c("WS_Elev" = "Modeled", "Obs_WS" = "Observed")
    Discharge_labels <- c("Model_Q" = "Modeled", "Obs_Q"  = "Observed")
    # water surface elevation hydrograph
    p1 <- ggplot(data = df1, aes(x = date, y = Value, color = Type), na.rm = TRUE) +
                 geom_line(size = 1) +
                 facet_grid(. ~ Event, scales = "free") + 
                 theme_bw() + 
                 scale_color_manual(values = WS_cols, labels = WS_labels) +
                 theme(legend.position = "none", 
                       legend.title = element_blank(),
                       axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                       axis.text.x  = element_text(angle=50, hjust=1)) + 
                 scale_x_datetime(date_labels = "%e %b", 
                                  date_breaks = "7 days", 
                                  date_minor_breaks = "1 day") + 
                 labs(y = "Elevation (NAVD88 feet)")
    # discharge hydrograph
    p2 <- ggplot(data = df2, aes(x = date, y = Value/1000, color = Type), na.rm = TRUE) +
                 geom_line(size = 1) +
                 facet_grid(. ~ Event, scales = "free") + 
                 theme_bw() + 
                 scale_color_manual(values = Discharge_cols, labels = Discharge_labels) +
                 theme(legend.position = "bottom", 
                       legend.title = element_blank(),
                       axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                       axis.text.x  = element_text(angle=50, hjust=1)) + 
                 scale_x_datetime(date_labels = "%e %b", 
                                  date_breaks = "7 days", 
                                  date_minor_breaks = "1 day") + 
                 labs(y = "Discharge (1000 cubic feet per second)")
    # Create title for plot group
    title <- textGrob(label = paste(df1$River, " River, ", df1$Reach, " Reach, River Mile ",
                                    df1$River_Sta, "\n", df1$Run_type, " #", df1$Run_num, sep = ""),
                      x = unit(0, "lines"), y = unit(0, "lines"),
                      hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
                      gp = gpar(fontsize=12))
    # Create a grid to arrange the plots
    p <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, 
                      nrow = 2, ncol = 1, 
                      widths = unit(7, "in"), heights = unit(c(5,5), "in"),
                      top = title, clip=FALSE)
gof_table <- function(df, run_num) {
    # Get values from the cal_gof table for the current table
    run_type <- cal_gof[cal_gof$Run_num == run_num,]$Run_type
    gof_tab <- kable(df,
                     digits = c(2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
                     align = c("l", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r"),
                     col.names = (c("River Mile", "R2", "RMSE", "MAE", "R2", "RMSE", "MAE", "R2", "RMSE", "MAE", "R2", "RMSE", "MAE")),
                     caption = paste(run_type, run_num),
                     row.names = FALSE,
                     format = "latex") %>%
                     kable_styling(full_width = F, position = "left", font_size = 10) %>%
                     add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "2008" = 3, "2013" = 3, "2014" = 3, "2017" = 3))

Create Hydrograph Plots

# Iterate through plots table to draw hydrograph plots
for (i in cal_plots$plot) {
#    # insert vertical white space so that the next figure is on a new page
#    # Set the current plot number
    plot_number <- cal_plots[cal_plots$plot == i,]$plot
#    # Create the longitudinal profile plots

Draw GOF Tables

gof_table(c_1, 1)
gof_table(c_2, 2)
gof_table(c_3, 3)
# Iterate through plots table to draw hydrograph plots
#for (i in cal_gof$Run_num) {
#    # insert vertical white space so that the next figure is on a new page
#    cat('\\newpage')
#    # Set the current plot number
#    run_num <- cal_gof[cal_gof$Run_num == i,]$Run_num
#    df      <- c_list[[i]]
#    # Create the longitudinal profile plots
#    gof_table(df, run_num)

mpdougherty/razviz documentation built on April 1, 2021, 4:16 p.m.