Man pages for mpiccirilli/weatheR
Download, Transform, and plot NOAA ISD weather data

allStationsGet full list of NOAA ISD stations
getFilteredStationsByCityGet k-nearest station data, Filtered
getInterpolatedDataByCityGet k-nearest station data, Filtered, Interpolated
getStationByIDGet ISD station data by USAFID for a range of years
getStationsByCityGet k-nearest station data
interpolateDataInterpolate Weather Station Data
kNStationsGet the k-nearest weather stations to a city
plotDailyMaxPlot Daily Max Temp for Multiple Cities
plotStationsPlot k-nearest stations
weatheR-packageDownload, Transform, and Plot NOAA ISD weather data
mpiccirilli/weatheR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:28 a.m.