Man pages for mpru/karel
Learning programming with Karel the robot

accionesAcciones que Karel puede realizar
actionsAvailable actions for Karel
cargar_super_karelHabilitar los superpoderes de Karel
check_user_worldCheck user's own world
check_wallsCheck the walls user's provided world
condicionesCondiciones que Karel puede verificar
conditionsConditions that Karel can test
conseguir_ambObtener el ambiente de Karel
create_beepersCreate dataset about beepers
dot-generate_worldCreate Karel's world
dot-get_pkg_envGet Karel's environment
dot-plot_static_worldPlot the world at a given time
dot-run_actionsRun actions
draw_karel_dfGenerate a dataset to plot Karel's figure in each time
ejecutar_accionesEjecutar acciones
generar_mundoGenerar el mundo de Karel
generate_open_movesGenerate array which shows moves that Karel can and can't...
generate_worldCreate Karel's world
get_beepers_df_rowGet row number in beepers dataset
get_pkg_envGet Karel's environment
graficar_mundo_estaticoProducir un gráfico del mundo de Karel en un momento dado
load_super_karelTurn on Karel's superpowers
plot_base_worldPlot base world
plot_static_worldPlot the world at a given time
put_hor_wallsPut horizontal walls (streets)
put_ver_wallsPut vertical walls (streets)
run_actionsRun actions
mpru/karel documentation built on May 12, 2024, 5:16 p.m.