Man pages for mqueinnec/foster
Forest Structure Extrapolation with R

accuracyCalculate accuracy metrics
calcIndicesCalculate spectral indices from multispectral data
defaultTemporalSummaryDefault temporal summary
edgesAssign NA values to the neighborhood of a boundary cell
focalMultiBandApply a spatial filter to a Raster* object
getSampleStratified random sampling
getSampleValuesExtract raster values at sample points
matchExtentMatch the extent of a reference raster
matchResolutionMatch the resolution of two Raster* objects
partitionSplit data into training and testing sets
predictTrgsImpute response variables across the landscape
scatterScatterplot with information on the errors between x and y.
temporalMetricsCalculate temporal summary metrics
theilSenTheil-Sen slope
tileSplit a raster into tiles
trainNNTrain and assess accuracy of a k-NN model
varImpReturns variable importance
mqueinnec/foster documentation built on March 28, 2021, 4:27 p.m.