This vignette illustrates use of demogsurv and rdhs to calculate fertility and mortality indicators for lots of DHS surveys in sub-Saharan Africa, and compare estimates to those produced for the DHS StatCompiler. It is currently a hastily developed analysis script, though may be further developed in the future.

Install and load packages

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
## install.packages("devtools")
## install.packages("rdhs")
## devtools::install_github("mrc-ide/demogsurv")


Identify surveys and datasets

Identify all DHS surveys conducted in sub-Saharan Africa in 2015

countries <- dhs_countries()
cc <- countries[countries$RegionName == "Sub-Saharan Africa", ]$DHS_CountryCode
surveys <- dhs_surveys(countryIds = cc, surveyYear = 2015, surveyType = "DHS")

Identify individual recode (IR) and births recode (BR) datasets corresponding to these surveys.

ird <- dhs_datasets(fileType = "IR", fileFormat = "flat")
ird <- ird[ird$SurveyId %in% surveys$SurveyId, ]
brd <- dhs_datasets(fileType = "BR", fileFormat = "flat")
brd <- brd[brd$SurveyId %in% surveys$SurveyId, ]

Use rdhs to retrieve datasets, downloading them from DHS website if not already in the rdhs cache.


Identify survey variables to extract from the datasets that will be required for fertility and mortality indicators

ird_vars <- c("caseid", "v005", "v008", "v011", "v021", "v024", "v025")
ird_questions <- search_variables(ird$FileName, variables = ird_vars)

# add child dob variables
ird_br_questions <- search_variable_labels(ird$FileName, regex = "CMC")
ird_br_questions <- ird_br_questions[grepl("^b3", ird_br_questions$variable), ]
# add sibling variables
ird_sib_questions <- search_variable_labels(ird$FileName, regex = "sib")
ird_questions <- rbind(ird_questions, ird_br_questions, ird_sib_questions)

brd_vars <- c("caseid", "bidx", "b3", "b5", "b7", "v005", "v008", "v021", "v024", "v025")
brd_questions <- search_variables(brd$FileName, variables = brd_vars)

Extract relevant survey variables from the downloaded datasets into a data.frame

ir <- extract_dhs(ird_questions, add_geo = FALSE)
br <- extract_dhs(brd_questions, add_geo = FALSE)

## Convert to factors (a bit inefficient)
ir <- lapply(ir, haven::as_factor)
br <- lapply(br, haven::as_factor)

## Add survey-level variables
ir <- Map(data.frame,
          SurveyId = haven::as_factor(surveys$SurveyId),
          CountryName = haven::as_factor(surveys$CountryName),
          SurveyYear = haven::as_factor(surveys$SurveyYear),

br <- Map(data.frame,
          SurveyId = haven::as_factor(surveys$SurveyId),
          CountryName = haven::as_factor(surveys$CountryName),
          SurveyYear = haven::as_factor(surveys$SurveyYear),

Use demogsurv to analyse demographic rate indicators


Calculate TFR and 15-19 ASFR for 3 year period preceding survey (default argument tips=c(0, 3)).

tfr <- lapply(ir, calc_tfr, by=~SurveyId+CountryName+SurveyYear, strata=NULL)
tfr <-, tfr)

asfr15to19 <- lapply(ir, calc_asfr, by=~SurveyId + CountryName + SurveyYear,
                     agegr = c(15, 20), strata=NULL)
asfr15to19 <-, asfr15to19)

Adult mortality

Identify surveys that include sibling history model via querying the DHS API survery with "Maternal mortality" characteristic.

survchar <- dhs_survey_characteristics()
survchar[grepl("Maternal", survchar$SurveyCharacteristicName), ]
mm_surv <- dhs_surveys(surveyCharacteristicIds = 1)
has_mm <- surveys$SurveyId %in% mm_surv$SurveyId

Reshape IR datasets to one row per sibling episode, create a binary variable indicating sibling death, and calculate ~35~q~15~ estimates by sexx.

sib <- lapply(ir[has_mm], reshape_sib_data,
              widevars = c("SurveyId", "CountryName", "SurveyYear", "v005", "v008", "v021"))
sib <- lapply(sib, function(x){x$death <- factor(x$mm2, c("dead", "alive")) == "dead"; x})
q3515 <- lapply(sib, calc_nqx, by=~SurveyId+CountryName+SurveyYear + mm1, strata = NULL,
                agegr=seq(15, 50, 5), tips=c(0, 7), dob="mm4", dod="mm8")
q3515 <-, q3515)

Child mortality

demogsurv does not yet implement the exact child mortality calculation produced in DHS reports and DHS StatCompiler (see Rutstein and Rojas 2006. This is planned for future implementation.

The function calc_nqx() calculates piecewise constant mortality rates within age groups 0, 1-2, 3-4, 5-11, 12-24 months, and 2, 3, and 4-5 years (parameter agegr = c(0, 1, 3, 5, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60)/12). These are aggregated to a cumulative hazards over the age group 0-4 years and converted to probabilities to estimate ~5~q~0~.

Add a binary indicator whether a death occurred and a date of death variable, placed 0.5 months in the month the death occurred.

br <- lapply(br, function(x){x$death <- x$b5 == "no"; x})
br <- lapply(br, function(x){x$dod <- x$b3 + x$b7 + 0.5; x})

Calculate ~5~q~0~ for period 0-4, 5-9, and 10-14 years preceding the survey.

u5mr <- lapply(br, calc_nqx, by=~SurveyId+CountryName+SurveyYear, strata=NULL)
u5mr <-, u5mr)

Merge DHS StatCompiler indicators

Identify the indicator IDs associated with TFR, ASFR 15-19, ~35~q~15~, and ~5~q~0~.

indic <- dhs_indicators()

indic[grepl("TFR 15-49", indic$ShortName), c("IndicatorId", "ShortName", "Label")]
indic[grepl("ASFR 15-19", indic$ShortName), c("IndicatorId", "ShortName", "Label")]
indic[grepl("Probability of dying", indic$ShortName), c("IndicatorId", "Definition")]
indic[grepl("Under-five mortality", indic$ShortName), c("IndicatorId", "Label")]

Query estimates from DHS API and merge with calculated estimates.

tfr_dhs <- dhs_data(indicatorIds = "FE_FRTR_W_TFR",
                    surveyId = tfr$SurveyId)
tfr <- merge(tfr, tfr_dhs[ , c("SurveyId", "Value")])

asfr15to19_dhs <- dhs_data(indicatorIds = "FE_FRTR_W_A15",
                           surveyId = asfr15to19$SurveyId)
asfr15to19 <- merge(asfr15to19, asfr15to19_dhs[ , c("SurveyId", "Value")])

q3515_dhs <- dhs_data(indicatorIds = c("MM_AMPB_W_AMP", "MM_AMPB_M_AMP"),
                      surveyId = q3515$SurveyId)
q3515_dhs$mm1 <- c(MM_AMPB_M_AMP = "male", MM_AMPB_W_AMP = "female")[q3515_dhs$IndicatorId]
q3515 <- merge(q3515, q3515_dhs[ , c("SurveyId", "Value")])

u5mr_dhs <- dhs_data(indicatorIds = "CM_ECMT_C_U5M",
                     surveyYearStart = 2005,
                     breakdown = "all")
u5mr_dhs <- u5mr_dhs[u5mr_dhs$SurveyId %in% u5mr$SurveyId, ]
u5mr_dhs$tips <- u5mr_dhs$CharacteristicLabel
u5mr <- merge(u5mr, u5mr_dhs[, c("SurveyId", "tips", "Value")])

View estimates

knitr::kable(head(tfr), digits=c(rep(0, 4), 1, 3, 2),
             caption = "TFR")

knitr::kable(head(asfr15to19), digits=c(rep(0, 5), 3, 4, 0),
             caption = "ASFR 15-19")

knitr::kable(head(q3515), digits=c(rep(0, 5), rep(3, 4), 0),
             caption = "35q15")

hu5mr <- head(u5mr)
hu5mr$tips <- factor(hu5mr$tips, c("0-4", "5-9", "10-14"))
hu5mr <- hu5mr[order(hu5mr$SurveyId, hu5mr$tips),]
knitr::kable(hu5mr, digits=c(rep(0, 4), rep(3, 4), 0),
             caption = "5q0")

Check that TFR, ASFR, and ~35~q~15~ estimates exactly match

Estimates for fertility rates and adult mortality rates should exactly match those produced as standard DHS indicators.

## TFR matches exactly
with(tfr, table(round(tfr, 1) == Value))

## ASFR 15-19 matches exactly
with(asfr15to19, table(round(1000*asfr) == Value))

## 35q15 matches exactly for >80%
with(q3515, table(round(1000*est) == Value))
with(q3515, table(round(1000*est) - Value))

subset(q3515, abs((round(1000*est) - Value)) > 1)

Compare ~5~q~0~ estimates

u5mr$tips <- factor(u5mr$tips, c("0-4", "5-9", "10-14"))
ggplot(u5mr, aes(1000*est, Value, color=tips)) +
  geom_abline(slope=1, color="grey") +
  geom_point() +
  coord_fixed() +
  xlab("demogsurv::calc_nqx()") +
  ylab("DHS StatCompiler") +
  ggtitle("5q0 comparison")

mrc-ide/demogsurv documentation built on March 21, 2022, 9:49 p.m.