
#' DHS Model Individual Recode Dataset
#' An example DHS individual recode dataset with each row representing an
#' individual eligible for the women's questionnaire. This data is not from any
#' actual DHS survey.
#' @format A data frame with 8,348 rows and 819 variables. To keep the model
#' dataset small only variables starting with 'caseid', 'v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'b',
#' or 'mm' have been included.
#' @source \url{https://dhsprogram.com/data/Download-Model-Datasets.cfm}

#' DHS Model Births Recode Dataset
#' An example DHS births recode dataset with each row representing a child ever
#' born to individuals eligible for the women's questionnaire. This data is not
#' from any actual DHS survey.
#' @format A data frame with 23,666 rows and 105 variables. To keep the model
#' dataset small only variables starting with 'caseid', 'v0', 'v1', or 'b',
#' have been included.
#' @source \url{https://dhsprogram.com/data/Download-Model-Datasets.cfm}
mrc-ide/hhsurveydata documentation built on March 31, 2022, 1:05 p.m.