Man pages for mrc-ide/malariasimulation
An individual based model for malaria

AL_paramsPreset parameters for the AL drug
arab_paramsPreset parameters for the An. arabiensis vector
calculate_carrying_capacityCalculate the vector carrying capacity
CorrelationParametersClass: Correlation parameters
create_pev_profilecreate a PEV profile
create_progress_processCreate progress process
DHA_PQP_paramsPreset parameters for the DHA-PQP drug
find_birthratesCalculate the birthrate for a population in equilibrium
fun_paramsPreset parameters for the An. funestus vector
gamb_paramsPreset parameters for the An. gambiae s.s vector
get_antimalarial_resistance_parametersRetrieve resistance parameters
get_correlation_parametersGet default correlation parameters
get_init_carrying_capacityGet initialised carrying capacity for each species
get_parametersGet model parameters
parameter_drawsParameter draws
parameterise_mosquito_equilibriumParameterise total_M and carrying capacity for mosquitos from...
parameterise_total_MParameterise total_M
peak_season_offsetCalculate the yearly offset (in timesteps) for the peak...
r21_booster_profileR21 booster vaccine profile
r21_profileR21 vaccine profile
rtss_booster_profileRTS,S booster vaccine profile
rtss_profileRTS,S vaccine profile
run_metapop_simulationRun a metapopulation model
run_resumable_simulationRun the simulation in a resumable way
run_simulationRun the simulation
run_simulation_with_repetitionsRun the simulation with repetitions
set_antimalarial_resistanceParameterise antimalarial resistance
set_bednetsParameterise a bed net strategy
set_carrying_capacityParameterise custom baseline carrying capacity
set_clinical_treatmentParameterise clinical treatment
set_demographyParameterise variable deathrates
set_drugsParameterise drugs to use in the model
set_epi_outputsParameterise age grouped output rendering
set_equilibriumSet equilibrium
set_mass_pevParameterise a vaccine mass distribution strategy
set_mdaParameterise a Mass Drug Administration
set_parameter_drawUse parameter draw from the join posterior
set_pev_epiParameterise a pre-erythrocytic vaccine with an EPI strategy
set_pmcParameterise a perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC,...
set_smcParameterise a Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention
set_speciesParameterise the mosquito species to use in the model
set_sprayingParameterise an indoor spraying strategy
set_tbvParameterise an TBV strategy
SP_AQ_paramsPreset parameters for the SP-AQ drug
steph_paramsPreset parameters for the An. stephensi vector
mrc-ide/malariasimulation documentation built on Dec. 27, 2024, 8:36 p.m.