

Key points

You must have data (in the correct format) and correctly compiled model code for the linkage to work.


If your dataset has been correctly loaded, you should see a green tick. The number of rows in your data will also be shown.


If your model has correctly compiled, you should see a green tick. The number of paramaters and number of variables/outputs will also be shown.


Here you need to specify which variables in your model corresponds to the columns in your uploaded dataset. E.g in your model you might have a variable date_onset which you want to link to the column date_of_symptom_onset in your dataset. Once linked, you should see a green tick and the configurations you have selected.

Note that the interface will not know if you have correctly linked the right variables to the right data! E.g. check that you have not linked date_report in your model to date_of_symptom_onset in your dataset.

mrc-ide/odin.ui documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 12:17 p.m.