Man pages for mribeirodantas/vidente
Collection of functions to work with SEER Database

buildSEERParserBuilds a parser to analyze SEER data.
findSingleValueFeaturesFinds features with a single valeu for all rows
getNormalizedEntropyGets the normalized entropy for features in a data frame
listPrimarySitesLists cancers primary sites that are supported by this...
plotHistNAPlots a histogram on the proportion of NA
primarySiteLookUpConverts primary site name to recode
readSEERReads SEER data from ASCII data file(s).
removeFullNAFeaturesRemoves full-NA value features in a SEER dataframe
videntevidente: A package for parsing and preprocessing SEER data.
mribeirodantas/vidente documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:47 p.m.