get_data360: Get TC/Govdata360 data from API

View source: R/get_data360.R

get_data360R Documentation

Get TC/Govdata360 data from API


Downloads the requested data by using the TCdata360 API at or Govdata360 API at The function generates a data frame (wide or long, depending on user input).


  site = "tc",
  indicator_id = NULL,
  dataset_id = NULL,
  country_iso3 = NULL,
  timeframes = NULL,
  output_type = "wide"



string pertaining to the data360 site to download data from. Possible choices: 'tc' for TCdata360, 'gov' for Govdata360


NULL (optional); Vector of indicators codes. Should be left NULL if dataset_id is not NULL.


NULL (optional); Character vector of Dataset IDs for all indicator data is to be downloaded. Should be left NULL if indicator_id is not NULL.


defaults to c('USA', 'PNG', 'PHL') (optional); Vector of countries (ISO-3 3-letter character codes, e.g. 'PNG', 'USA', 'PHL') for which the data is needed. Leaving this NULL pulls data for every available country.


NULL (optional); Vector of years to restrict results data to. Leaving this NULL gets all available timeframes. Important note: timeframes parameter cannot be non-NULL while the other parameters are NULL, since data request is too large.


string pertaining to the output type. Possible choices include: 'wide' == one row contains multi-year observations 'long' == one row refers to one year only.


Hint: Don't know what codes to write as inputs for this function? Helpful functions include:

  • See search_360 to get search TC/Govdata360 indicators, countries, categories, and dataset lists.

  • See get_metadata360 to get indicator/dataset/country-level metadata.

  • See get_resources360 to get additional resource information.


Data frame containing requested data


## Since all functions download data through API, these are wrapped with
## the "donttest" function as advised by CRAN
#get data for dataset ID 51 in TCdata360
df <- get_data360(dataset_id = 51)

#get data for countries USA, PHL in Govdata360
df2 <- get_data360(site = 'gov', country_iso3 = c('USA', 'PHL'))

#get data for indicator IDs 944, 972 in TCdata360
df3 <- get_data360(indicator_id = c(944, 972))

#get data for indicator IDs 944, 972 in 2011-2013 in long format in TCdata360
df4 <- get_data360(indicator_id = c(944, 972), timeframes = c(2011, 2012),
output_type = 'long')

mrpsonglao/WBdata360R documentation built on June 17, 2022, 4:03 a.m.