Man pages for mschubert/clustermq
Evaluate Function Calls on HPC Schedulers (LSF, SGE, SLURM, PBS/Torque)

check_argsFunction to check arguments with which Q() is called
chunkSubset index chunk for processing
clustermq-packageEvaluate Function Calls on HPC Schedulers (LSF, SGE, SLURM)
cmq_foreachclustermq foreach handler
dot-onAttachReport queueing system on package attach if not set
dot-onLoadSelect the queueing system on package loading
fill_templateFill a template string with supplied values
hostConstruct the ZeroMQ host address
LOCALPlaceholder for local processing
LSFLSF scheduler functions
masterMaster controlling the workers
msg_fmtMessage format for logging
MULTICOREProcess on multiple cores on one machine
MULTIPROCESSProcess on multiple processes on one machine
PoolClass for basic queuing system functions
QQueue function calls on the cluster
Q_rowsQueue function calls defined by rows in a data.frame
QSysClass for basic queuing system functions
register_dopar_cmqRegister clustermq as 'foreach' parallel handler
SGESGE scheduler functions
SLURMSLURM scheduler functions
SSHSSH scheduler functions
ssh_proxySSH proxy for different schedulers
summarize_resultPrint a summary of errors and warnings that occurred during...
vec_lookupLookup table for return types to vector NAs
work_chunkFunction to process a chunk of calls
workerR worker submitted as cluster job
workersCreates a pool of workers
wrap_errorWraps an error in a condition object
mschubert/clustermq documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 9:32 p.m.