Man pages for mschubert/narray
Subset- And Name-Aware Array Utility Functions

bindBinds arrays together disregarding names
collectConverts a logical matrix to a list of character vectors
constructTransform a data.frame with axes and value into an array
dimbase::dim, but returning 1 for vector
dimnamesReturn dimension names of an array respecting the number of...
drop_ifDrop unused dims if flag is TRUE
filterFunction to discard subsets of an array (NA or drop)
flattenFlattens an array along an axis
grapes-or-grapesOperator for array-like logical operations
guess_structureInfer array structure from data.frame
intersectIntersects all passed arrays along a give dimension, and...
intersect_listIntersects a lits of arrays for common dimension names
lambdaLambda syntax for array iteration
likeReshapes 'x' to be like 'like', including dimension names
mapMaps a function along an array preserving its structure
map_oneApply function that preserves order of dimensions
maskConverts a list of character vectors to a logical matrix
matchmatch() function with extended functionality
meltFunction to melt data.frame from one or multiple arrays
named_dotsReturn a list of named dot-arguments
narrayR package for subset- and name-aware array utility functions
pbProgress bar format to be consistent
repRepeats an array along an arbitrary axis
restore_null_dimnamesIf no dimnames, return NULL and not list of NULLs
splitSplits and array along a given axis, either totally or only...
stackStacks arrays while respecting names in each dimension
subsetSubsets an array using a list with indices or names
translateTranslate an axis between two sets of identifiers
vectors_to_row_or_colConverts vectors in a list to row- or column vectors
whichA multidimensional 'which' function
mschubert/narray documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 8:26 a.m.