Man pages for msperlin/GetCVMData
Reading Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports from CVM

clean_dfp_itr_dataCleans ITR/DFP table
download_read_dfp_zip_fileDownloads and reads DFP datasets
download_read_itr_zip_fileDownloads and reads ITR datasets
fix_cnpjConverts cnpj from text to numeric
get_contents_ftpFetches ftp contents
get_dfp_dataDownloads and reads DFP datasets
get_dfp_docsGet data from dfp docs
get_info_companiesReturns a up to date table with information about B3...
get_itr_dataDownloads and reads ITR datasets
my_download_fileDownloads files from the internet
pipePipe operator
read_dfp_csvReads DFP csv file
read_itr_csvReads ITR csv file
search_companyHelps users search for a company
select_responsible_beverageMakes sure people dont drink at afternoon
msperlin/GetCVMData documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1:19 a.m.