# no datageneration


Use the unzip function to unzip the downloaded file from previous question to a directory called'afedR-files' inside the "Desktop" folder. How many files are available in the resulting folder? Tip: use the recursive = TRUE argument with list.files to also search for all available subdirectories.


my_folder <- '~/Desktop/adfeR-Files' # this is probably C:/Users/USERNAME/Desktop for Windows
unzip(local_file, exdir = my_folder) # local_file comes from previous exercise

files <- list.files(my_folder, 
                    full.names = TRUE, 
                    recursive = TRUE)

n_files <- length(files)

message(paste0('There are ', n_files, ' files available at folder "', my_folder, '".'))


extype: string exsolution: r mchoice2string(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), single = TRUE) exname: "unzip" exshuffle: TRUE

msperlin/afedR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 9:49 a.m.