total_shares <- 100
price_purchase <- 15

total_purchase_value <- total_shares*price_purchase

qtd_sell_1 <- 30
price_sell_1 <- 18
total_sell_1 <- qtd_sell_1*18

qtd_sell_2 <- total_shares-qtd_sell_1
price_sell_2 <- 22
total_sell_2 <- qtd_sell_2*price_sell_2

total_sell_value <- total_sell_1 + total_sell_2

# solution
my_sol <- total_sell_value - total_purchase_value
my_answers <- make_random_answers(my_sol, is_cash = TRUE)



Let's assume that, on a certain date, you bought r total_shares shares in a company, paying price_purchase per share. After some time, you sold r qtd_sell_1 shares for a r price_sell_1 each and the remaining r qtd_sell_2 shares were sold for r price_sell_2 on a later day. Using a script in R, structure this financial problem by creating numeric objects. What is the total gross profit from this sequence of transactions on the stock market?

exams::answerlist(my_answers, markup = "markdown")



extype: schoice exsolution: r mchoice2string(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), single = TRUE) exname: "numeric 01" exshuffle: TRUE

msperlin/afedR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 9:49 a.m.