Man pages for mst1g15/biasedcoin

atkinsAssuming a linear model for the response, allocate treatment...
calc.AGiven a design matrix for a linear model, compute the...
calc.biasGiven a design, the current estimate of beta (or true value...
calc.DGiven a design matrix for a linear model, compute the...
calc.DAGiven a design matrix for a linear model, compute the D-A...
calc.GGiven a design matrix for a linear model, compute the...
calc.GintGiven a design matrix for a linear model wuth...
calc.logit.wDACompute the DA-optimal objective function assuming a logistic...
calc.logit.wLCompute the L-optimal objective function assuming a logistic...
calc.lossGiven a design matrix for a linear model, compute the loss
calc.mseGiven a design, the current estimate of beta (or true value...
calc.tzGiven a design matrix for a linear model, calculate the...
calc.vcovGiven a design, the current estimate of beta (or true value...
calc.wDACompute the DA-optimal objective function assuming a linear...
calc.wLCompute the L-optimal objective function assuming a linear...
calc.y.AGiven an information matrix and assuming logistic regression,...
calc.y.DGiven an information matrix and assuming logistic regression,...
calc.y.DAGiven an information matrix and assuming logistic regression,...
calc.y.GGiven an information matrix and assuming logistic regression,...
coord.crAllocate treatment using a coordinate exchange algorithm with...
coordexAllocate treatment using coordinate exchange algorithm,...
cr.bayes.desAssuming a Bayesian linear model for the response with a...
cr.desAssuming a linear model for the response, allocate treatment...
cr.des.pseudoAllocate treatments according to a (weighted) L-optimal...
cr.exp.lossBreak down expected future optimality into two components: 1)...
cr.futureCalculate (weighted) L-optimal expected optimality for a...
cr.future.lossAssuming the currrent response, future covariate value and...
cr.future.yAssuming a current response, break down the expected future...
cr.logit.contAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
cr.logit.coordAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
cr.logit.desAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
cr.randAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
cr.simfuture.logisAllocate treatments according to an information matrix based...
cr.simfuture.logis.contAllocate treatments according to weighted L-optimal objective...
discretediscretize a vector of continuous values into binary (0 and...
Dopt.pseudo.tCalculate average D-optimal criterion assuming a logistic...
Dopt.y.tGiven a design matrix with an additional row, and assuming...
Dopt.y.t.initGiven an initial design and assuming logistic regression,...
efronAllocate treatment basead on Efron's biased coin
exp.lossBreak down expected future optimality into two components: 1)...
exp.loss.kBreak down the expected future objective function by cases...
futureCalculate expected optimality for a given trajectory using...
future.coordexCalculates expected optimality for a given trajectory after...
future.coordex.logisCalculate expected optimality for a given trajectory using...
future.logisCalculate expected optimality for a given trajectory using...
future.logis.contCalculate expected optimality for a given trajectory using...
future.lossAssuming the currrent response, future covariate value and...
future.loss.kAssuming the currrent response, future covariate value and...
future.yAssuming a current response, break down the expected future...
gencovCreate a set of binary covariates with a specific covariate...
Imat.betaCompute the information matrix, given beta, for logistic...
learn.zprobsFind the empirical distribution of the covariates
linear.nonmyopAllocate treatments according to an information matrix based...
linear.nonmyop.dynAllocate treatments according to an information matrix based...
linear.randAssuming a linear model for the response, allocate treatments...
logit.contAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate a...
logit.coordAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
logit.desAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
logit.LbnonAllocate treatments according to a weighted L-optimal...
logit.mseAllocate treatments according to the MSE matrix when a...
logit.nonmyAllocate treatments according to an information matrix based...
logit.randAssuming a logistic model for the response, allocate...
max.imbAllocate treatment based on Hu and Hu (2012)'s version of...
min.classicClassic version of Minimization, appropriate for binary...
min.contAllocate treatment using a version of minimization,...
min.genAllocate treatment based on an imbalance criterion - most...
min.senAllocate treatment using Senn's version of Minimization,...
probiCompute P(y=1) for logistic regression
randRandomly allocate treatment
shadeplotPlot distribution
simfutureAllocate treatments according to an information matrix based...
simfuture.logisAllocate treatments according to an information matrix based...
simfuture.logis.contAllocate continuous treatments according to an information...
wLopt.pseudo.tCalculate average L-optimal criterion assuming a logistic...
wLopt.tCompute the L-optimal objective function assuming a logistic...
wLopt.t.initCompute the L-optimal objective function assuming a logistic...
zpfuncGiven z.probs which takes a specific form, convert it to an...
mst1g15/biasedcoin documentation built on Nov. 26, 2019, 4:01 a.m.