An S4 class to represent a

Description Slots


An S4 class to represent a



A string with the internal name for the


The ml.conn-class object that was created with ml.connect


A list with parameters used to query MarkLogic Server


A integer with the index of the first result to get


A integer with the number of rows in the result and that will be returned


A logical value indicating if we have selected a subset of fields

A character vector with the field names


A character vector with the data types of the fields


A character vector with the original names of fields in the source documents


A character vector with the xpath to the original names in the source documents


A character vector withthe source document format XML/JSON


A character vector with the namespace for the source document


A list of ml.col.def-class added fields

mstellwa/rfml documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:16 a.m.