Data Analyst Toolkit (dat)

Data Analyst Toolkit (dat): a library of tools for data analysts and scientists

This repository has a collection of useful R functions for data analysis, machine learning, statistics and data visualization to streamline as well as ease the analysis and coding.

Disclaimer and acknowledgment: this package is a collection of functions which have been collated by the package author in the course of his data science career, some of which have been partly or wholly sourced from other sources (e.g. blog posts or other packages). Therefore there are cases when a code has been modified using pre-existing code, cases where functions from other packages have been incorporated into workflows of this package, and cases where code has been developed from scratch starting with base R.

Installation - method 1

  1. Make sure you have installed the most recent version R
  2. In your R environment install devtools (
  3. Clone this repository to your local machine
  4. From within your R environment set your working directory to the cloned dat directory
  5. Type:

Installation - method 2

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. In either UNIX-like OS or MS-DOS OS terminal CD into the cloned dat directory
  3. In terminal type:
R CMD INSTALL dat_0.23.tar.gz

or following INTALL command type other more recent version of dat package build.

Depending on your environment packages, you may be warned about the need to install dependent packages.

For any bugs contact Alexander Abdulkader Kheirallah on

msxakk89/dat documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 6:39 p.m.