Man pages for mt-climate-office/mcor
The Core Montana Climate Office R Package

mco_get_climdivDownload the US Climate Division Dataset for Montana
mco_get_gridmetDownload select GridMET datasets.
mco_get_gridmet_normalsA wrapper around mco_get_gridmet to download GridMET normal...
mco_get_macav2_monthlyDownload select MACA V2 datasets.
mco_get_macav2_monthly_datasetsGet a list of the available MACA V2 datasets.
mco_get_smapDownload the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) data...
mco_get_smap_appeearsDownload the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) data...
mco_get_snodasDownload and process the Montana SNOTEL site inventory from...
mco_get_snotel_dataDownload and process the Montana SNOTEL site inventory from...
mco_get_snotel_hucDownload and process the Montana SNOTEL Snow Water Equivalent...
mco_get_snotel_inventoryDownload and process the Montana SNOTEL site inventory from...
mco_get_swe_basinsDownload and process the Montana SNOTEL Snow Water Equivalent...
mco_get_swe_normalsDownload and process the Montana SNOTEL site inventory from...
mco_leafletBasic leaflet plotting using 'mcor' style
mco_leaflet_baseBasic leaflet plotting using 'mcor' style
mco_maskMask a raster using fasterize
mco_theme_mapMontana Climate Office theme for maps
mt_climate_divisionsPolygons of Montana Climate Divisions
mt_climate_divisions_simpleSimplified polygons of Montana Climate Divisions
mt_countiesPolygons of Montana Counties
mt_counties_simpleSimplified polygons of Montana Counties
mt_hillshade_500mA 500 Meter Hillshaded Elevation Model of Montana
mt_statePolygon of Montana Boundary
mt_state_planeThe Montana State Plane Coordinate Reference System
mt_state_simpleSimplified Polygon of Montana Boundary
mt_tribal_landPolygons of Montana Tribal Land
mt_watershedsThe Watershed Boundary Dataset Intersecting Montana
mt_watersheds_simpleThe Watershed Boundary Dataset Intersecting Montana
mt-climate-office/mcor documentation built on March 27, 2024, 6:30 p.m.