
Browsing a Catalog

Catalogs in RDS are simply collections of data products. A data product is the object in RDS that holds data and any documentation or metadata that surrounds the data. The catalog contains a list of data products and we can get all of them or a single product if desired.

# set up the base API URL
url = ""

# connect to the server
rds <- get.rds(url)

# get a catalog
covid19 <- rds.r::getCatalog(rds, "covid19")

Get Specific Data Product

We can get the SBA Paycheck Protection Program data product and display some of its information in the following section

dataProduct <- rds.r::getDataProduct(covid19, "ppp_loan")

r dataProduct@name

r dataProduct@description

mtna/rds-r documentation built on July 30, 2023, 3:25 a.m.