Eurostatasyl Example: Comparing the Acceptance Rates of Refugees from Eritrea Across European Countries

You need rstudio and R. Clone this github project

Open the project file ('*.Rproj') Open file "import_packages.R" in R-Studio and run it to install and load all required packages (this is a workaround because I didn't get the package dependencies right) Build and reload the package eurostatasyl


Now, we load the acceptance data from a file. This step takes some time, may be need too much memory and is skipped in this tutorial. This is what you would do: Run the file compare_acceptance.R to set some variables (major

data_acc <- readRDS("/full/path/to/r-eurostat-refugees/data/data_acceptance")
data_eritrea <- data_acc %>% filter(citizen=="Eritrea")
data_eritrea_major_decision_2016 <- data_eritrea%>%filter(citizen=="Eritrea",geo%in%major_countries_dest,decision%in%dec_acc_total,age=="Total",sex=="Total",year(.$time) == "2016")

We prepared this smaller dataset in the file ... , so you can start from here.

View(data_eritrea) dim(data_eritrea) data_eritrea_major_decision_sum<-data_eritrea_major_decision%>%group_by(geo,decision)%>%summarise(sum_dec=sum(values))

major_countries_origin=c("Afghanistan","Eritrea","Iran","Irak","Pakistan","Nigeria","Somalia","Syria") data_eritrea_major_decision <- subset(data_eritrea_major_decision, select=-c(sex,age,unit)

major_countries_dest=c("Belgium","France","Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)","Greece","Italy","Netherlands","Norway","Sweden","Spain","Switzerland","United Kingdom")

decision_acc=c("Rejected", "Total positive decisions", "Total")

mutate(decision = ifelse(decision == "Total positive decisions", "Total_positive_decisions", decision))

muc-fluechtlingsrat/r-eurostat-refugees documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:20 a.m.