Man pages for mukul13/rechonest
R Interface to Echo Nest API

basic_playlistTo return basic playlist
extract_artist_namesTo extract artist names from text.
get_artist_biographiesTo get a list of artist biographies
get_artist_blogsTo get blogs about artist
get_artist_dataTo get artist's data
get_artist_familiarityTo get artist's familiarity
get_artist_hotttnesssTo get artist's hotttnesss
get_artist_imagesTo get artist's images
get_artist_newsTo get news about artist
get_artist_reviewsTo get reviews about artist
get_artist_songsTo get artist's songs
get_artist_termsTo get artist's terms
get_artist_videosTo get a list of video documents found on the web related to...
get_genre_infoTo get basic information about a genre
get_top_genre_artistsTo Return the top artists for the given genre
get_top_hotttTo return a list of the top hottt artists
get_top_termsTo returns a list of the overall top terms
get_twitter_handleTo get the twitter handle for an artist
list_genresTo get genre's list
list_termsTo get a list of the best typed descriptive terms
search_artistTo search artist by using name
search_genreTo search for genres by name
search_songsTo search song
similar_artistsTo search similar artists by using names or IDs
similar_genresTo return similar genres to a given genre
standard_static_playlistTo return standard static playlist
suggest_artist_namesTo suggest artists based upon partial names
mukul13/rechonest documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:22 a.m.