SMIRES is a COST Action addressing the Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers & Ephemeral Streams. SMIRES brings together more than 200 hydrologists, biogeochemists, ecologists, modelers, environmental economists, social researchers and stakeholders from 31 different countries to develop a research network for synthesising the fragmented, recent knowledge on IRES, improving our understanding of IRES and translating this into a science-based, sustainable management of river networks. More information about SMIRES can be found at

This git repository hosts the R-package smires, one of several outcomes of Working Group 1 (WG1, Prevalence, distribution and trends of IRES). Given time series of daily (weekly, monthly) discharges, its purpose is to:

Installation of the R-package

In order to use the development version of the package smires you will need to install the package devtools once.


It provides the convenient command install_github() which installs the most recent version of a package hosted on github. To do so, simply execute the following three lines:


The current version is r packageVersion("smires"). To load this package in an R session, library(smires) has to be called.



The usage of the package is demonstrated in these four preliminary vignettes. They are currently under development.


Each participating country was asked to suggest metrics and to submit a few time series with intermittent streamflow. As we plan to integrate the provided time series in the R package, we need permission of the copyright holder to make the data available. The column include of the following table indicates if the data can be published.

Time Series

contrib_ts <- function(country, contact, ts = NA, publish = NA, comment = NA, meta = FALSE)
  data.frame("country" = country, "contact" = contact, "time series" = ts,
             "include" = if( NA else publish,
             "comment" = comment,
             check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

series <- list(
  contrib_ts(country = "ch",
             contact = "",
             ts = "Altlandenberg"),

  contrib_ts(country = "lt",
             contact = ""),

  contrib_ts(country = "it",
             contact = "",
             ts = "Carapelle Torrent",
             comment = "Region Puglia",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "uk",
             contact = "",
             ts = "Balder at [Balderhead Reservoir](, Ampney Brook at [Ampney St Peter](",
             publish = TRUE,
             comment = "Balder: human influence, Ampney Brook: chalk stream that dries naturally"), 

  contrib_ts(country = "pl",
             contact = "",
             ts = "Plachty Stare",
             comment = "uses hydrological year, starting with November", 
             publish = TRUE),  

  contrib_ts(country = "pl",
             contact = "",
             ts = "Goryczkowa",
             comment = "only 3 years of observation",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "fr", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "37 stations",
             publish = TRUE),  

  contrib_ts(country = "fr", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "H1333010, H1503910, H1513210, H1603010, H1713010, H1932020",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "es", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "8060, 9052",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "es", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Riu Manol"),

  contrib_ts(country = "it", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Celone, Salsola", 
             comment = "[source](",
             publish = TRUE,
             meta = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "pt", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Coruche, Monforte, Pavia, Moinho",
             publish = TRUE),  

  contrib_ts(country = "pt", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Moinho da Gamitinha, Torrão do Alentejo",
             comment = "[source](", 
             publish = TRUE, 
             meta = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "gr", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Vrontamas",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "sk", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Čierna voda, Bodva, Chlmec, +4 stations",
             publish = FALSE),

  contrib_ts(country = "cy", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "Peristerona, Pouzis, Liopetri",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "at", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "22 mostly human influenced catchments",
             publish = TRUE),

  contrib_ts(country = "si", 
             contact = "",
             ts = "13 station of which 7 are intermittent",
             publish = TRUE))

series <-, series)
series <- series[order(!series$include, series$country), ]
series$contact <- sub(".@", "*@", series$contact)
row.names(series) <- NULL

dat <- subset(series, !$`time series`), select = c("country", "include"))

Currently r length(unique(dat$country)) countries have submitted time series of which r length(unique(dat$country[dat$include])) countries agreed on including the data into the R-package.

poly <- readRDS(file = "dev/coastlines.rds")
levels(poly$country)[levels(poly$country) == "gb"] <- "uk"

poly$col <- "not available"
poly$col[poly$country %in% dat$country] <- "available"
poly$col[poly$country %in% dat$country[dat$include]] <- "available & included"

p <- ggplot(poly, aes(long, lat, group = id, fill = col)) + 
  geom_polygon(col = 1, size = 0.2) +
  scale_fill_manual("Data Availability", values = c("not available" = "white", "available" = "grey80", "available & included" = "grey60")) + 
  coord_fixed(xlim = c(2923408-500000, 5309418), ylim = c(1576769-300000, 4855870 - 700000)) + 
  theme_void() +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#C5DAE3"))
ggsave(plot = p, file = "inst/contributors.png")

options(knitr.kable.NA = '')
knitr::kable(series, caption = "Participants", format = "markdown")
contrib_metric <- function(name, type = "NA", description = NA, comment = NA, 
                           dt = c("daily", "weekly", "monthly"), country)
  dt <- match.arg(dt)
  list("metric" = name, type = type, "description" = description,
       "\U0394t" = dt, "comment" = comment, country = sort(country))

metrics <- list(
  contrib_metric(name = "Number of days with zero flow",
                 description = "Total number of days with zero flow", 
                 type = "duration",
                 country = c("ch", "at", "uk")),
  contrib_metric(name = "Recession constant",
                 description = "Recession constant during the period with the lowest flow or slope of the flow duration curve", 
                 type = "magnitude",
                 country = c("ch", "es"))

countries <- unique(unlist(lapply(metrics, function(x) x$country), 
                           use.names = FALSE))
# matrix of country using a metric
cm <- used <- t(sapply(metrics, function(x) countries %in% x$country))
cm[used] <- "\U2714"
cm[!used] <- ""
colnames(cm) <- countries

metrics <-, lapply(metrics, function(x)[setdiff(names(x), "country")], = TRUE) ))
metrics <- data.frame(metrics, cm)
metrics <- metrics[order(metrics$type), ]
row.names(metrics) <- NULL

#knitr::kable(metrics, caption = "Participants")

Getting in Contact

In case you are interested or you want to contribute to the package smires (even though you are not part of the SMIRES cost action) please contact

mundl/smires documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:22 a.m.