induced_submat: Extract a submatrix from a network

View source: R/induced_submat.R

induced_submatR Documentation

Extract a submatrix from a network


This is similar to network::get.inducedSubgraph. The main difference is that the resulting object will always be a list of matrices, and it is vectorized.


induced_submat(x, v, ...)



Either a list or single matrices or network objects.


Either a list or a single integer vector of vertices to subset.


Currently ignored.


Depending on the lengths of x and v, the function can take the following strategies:

  • If both are of the same size, then it will match the networks and the vector of indices.

  • If length(x) == 1, then it will use that single network as a baseline for generating the subgraphs.

  • If length(v) == 1, then it will generate the subgraph using the same set of vertices for each network.

  • If both have more than one element, but different sizes, then the function returns with an error.


A list of matrices as a result of the subsetting.


x <- rbernoulli(100)
induced_submat(x, c(1, 10, 30:50))

x <- rbernoulli(c(20, 20))
induced_submat(x, c(1:10))

muriteams/lergm documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 11:37 p.m.