Travis build status AppVeyor Build Status Coverage status

This package parses most of the output from the DHS API. Overall, these are helper functions to load in data about indicators and codebooks for the DHS data sets.


In R:

if (!("devtools" %in% installed.packages)){

After installation, you can load the library and get the list of countries/surveys from DHS:

##   UNAIDS_CountryCode   SubregionName WHO_CountryCode FIPS_CountryCode
## 1                AFG      South Asia              AF               AF
## 2                ALB Southern Europe              AL               AL
## 3                AGO   Middle Africa              AO               AO
## 4                ARM       West Asia              AM               AM
## 5                AZE       West Asia              AZ               AJ
## 6                BGD      South Asia              BD               BG
##   ISO2_CountryCode ISO3_CountryCode RegionOrder DHS_CountryCode
## 1               AF              AFG          41              AF
## 2               AL              ALB          24              AL
## 3               AO              AGO          12              AO
## 4               AM              ARM          26              AM
## 5               AZ              AZE          26              AZ
## 6               BD              BGD          41              BD
##   CountryName UNICEF_CountryCode UNSTAT_CountryCode
## 1 Afghanistan                AFG                AFG
## 2     Albania                ALB                ALB
## 3      Angola                ANG                AGO
## 4     Armenia                ARM                ARM
## 5  Azerbaijan                AZE                AZE
## 6  Bangladesh                BAN                BGD
##                      RegionName
## 1        South & Southeast Asia
## 2 North Africa/West Asia/Europe
## 3            Sub-Saharan Africa
## 4 North Africa/West Asia/Europe
## 5 North Africa/West Asia/Europe
## 6        South & Southeast Asia
##   ReleaseDate  SurveyId MaxAgeWomen FieldworkStart MinAgeMen
## 1  2017-02-15 AF2015DHS          49     2015-06-01        15
## 2             AL2002RHS                 2002-08-01          
## 3  2010-03-15 AL2008DHS          49     2008-10-01        15
## 4  2008-02-27 AO2006MIS          49     2006-11-01          
## 5  2012-01-24 AO2011MIS          49     2011-01-01          
## 6  2017-06-30 AO2015DHS          49     2015-11-01        15
##                                                              ImplementingOrg
## 1 Central Statistics Organization (CSO) and Ministry of Public Health (MoPH)
## 2                                                                           
## 3     Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) and Institute of Public Health (IShP)
## 4                                                            COSEP, CONSAÚDE
## 5                                                         CONSAÚDE and COSEP
## 6                                   Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE) 
##                                                                                             SurveyCharacteristicIds
## 1                                    92, 39, 6, 1, 79, 31, 14, 57, 8, 34, 17, 22, 20, 24, 21, 13, 36, 59, 3, 11, 26
## 2                                                                                                                  
## 3                 33, 10, 43, 41, 31, 22, 26, 24, 21, 59, 11, 34, 60, 14, 32, 16, 86, 69, 3, 67, 70, 79, 20, 85, 93
## 4                                                                             8, 41, 57, 36, 68, 63, 61, 26, 79, 89
## 5                                                                                     79, 90, 41, 26, 57, 8, 17, 89
## 6 91, 15, 59, 33, 31, 22, 32, 26, 24, 21, 14, 57, 8, 20, 17, 34, 5, 6, 60, 3, 69, 79, 23, 41, 10, 70, 11, 1, 89, 85
##   SurveyType SurveyYearLabel IndicatorData MinAgeWomen SurveyYear
## 1        DHS            2015             1          15       2015
## 2        RHS            2002             1                   2002
## 3        DHS         2008-09             1          15       2008
## 4        MIS         2006-07             1          15       2006
## 5        MIS            2011             1          15       2011
## 6        DHS         2015-16             1          15       2015
##   FieldworkEnd DHS_CountryCode NumberOfSamplePoints CountryName
## 1   2016-02-01              AF                  950 Afghanistan
## 2   2002-12-01              AL                          Albania
## 3   2009-04-01              AL                  450     Albania
## 4   2007-04-01              AO                  120      Angola
## 5   2011-05-01              AO                  320      Angola
## 6   2016-02-01              AO                  627      Angola
##   NumberOfWomen   SubregionName MaxAgeMen SurveyNum SurveyStatus
## 1         29461      South Asia        49       471    Completed
## 2               Southern Europe                 378    Completed
## 3          7584 Southern Europe        49       327    Completed
## 4          2973   Middle Africa                 282    Completed
## 5          8589   Middle Africa                 395    Completed
## 6         14379   Middle Africa        54       477    Completed
##   NumberOfFacilities    UniverseOfMen                    RegionName
## 1                    Ever Married Men        South & Southeast Asia
## 2                                     North Africa/West Asia/Europe
## 3                             All Men North Africa/West Asia/Europe
## 4                                                Sub-Saharan Africa
## 5                                                Sub-Saharan Africa
## 6                             All Men            Sub-Saharan Africa
##      UniverseOfWomen      Footnotes PublicationDate NumberofHouseholds
## 1 Ever Married Women                     2017-01-01              24395
## 2                    CDC-RHS survey                                   
## 3          All Women                     2010-03-01               7999
## 4          All Women                     2007-11-01               2599
## 5          All Women                     2011-12-01               8030
## 6          All Women                     2017-06-01              16109
##   NumberOfMen
## 1       10760
## 2            
## 3        3013
## 4            
## 5            
## 6        5684

muschellij2/dhs documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:34 a.m.