Man pages for muschellij2/didactr
Tools for Creating Automated Courses

add_leanpub_collaboratorAdd Leanpub as Collaborator
check_courseCheck Leanpub Course
check_structureCheck for expected file structure and create missing
create_courseStarting a Course, Light wrapper for 'make_course'
create_imagesCreate PDF and PNGs from Google Slides
create_lessonCreate a Lesson
create_videosCreate video from script and PNGs
didactr_authAuthorize Application for didactr
flag_code_chunksFlag Code Chunks
gs_ariConvert Google Slides and notes to video with ari
gs_ari_uploadConvert Google Slides to Video and Upload to YouTube
gs_convertConvert Google Slides to PNGs and a script
gs_folder_dfGet Google Folder Contents IDs
gs_helpersGoogle Slides Helper Functions
gs_slide_codeGet Slide Code from Google Slides
gs_slide_dfGet Google Slide Elements IDs
gs_to_drive_pngsConvert Google Slides to PNGs and Upload to Drive folder
gs_upload_pptxConvert PPTX to Google Slides (and then PDF)
install_ffmpegInstall 'ffmpeg' from a command line installer
is_language_authIs Google Language API Authorized
leanpub_parse_quizParse Quiz from Markua Markdown File
leanpub_renderRender Leanpub document
n_pdf_pagesCount number of pages in PDF
pdf_to_imagesConvert PDF to Other Images using ImageMagick
pipePipe operator
rename_pngs_to_gs_idsRename set of PNGs to Google Slide IDs
script_to_slide_notesUpload script to Google Slide Deck Notes
strip_manuscriptStrip Markdown from Manuscript
summary.course_checkSummary of course check
translate_courseTranslate Course to Another Language
translate_manuscriptTranslate Mansucript File
translate_slideTranslate Google Slide Text to Another Language
translate_swirlTranslate Swirl YAML to another language
muschellij2/didactr documentation built on March 17, 2021, 12:45 p.m.