capwire: Capwire: estimate population census size from non-invasive...

capwireR Documentation

Capwire: estimate population census size from non-invasive genetic sampling


This R package is designed to fit the sampling models developed by Miller et al. 2005 (Molecular Ecology). The two main model fitting functions are fitTirm and fitEcm. The package also includes tools to estimate confidence intervals by parameteric bootstrapping (bootstrapCapwire), perform model selection (lrtCapwire) and simulate data under a variety of conditions (simTirm, simEcm, and simCapture).


Miller C. R., P. Joyce and L.P. Waits. 2005. A new method for estimating the size of small populations from genetic mark-recapture data. Molecular Ecology 14:1991-2005.

Pennell, M. W., C. R. Stansbury, L. P. Waits and C. R. Miller. 2013. Capwire: a R package for estimating population census size from non-invasive genetic sampling. Molecular Ecology Resources 13:154-157.

mwpennell/capwire documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 11:19 a.m.