  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "",
  fig.path = "inst/extdata/"

DiallelAnalysisR: Diallel Analysis with R

Version : r getNamespaceVersion("DiallelAnalysisR"); Copyright (C) 2019-2020: License: GPL-2|GPL-3
Muhammad Yaseen^1,2,3^, and Kent M. Eskridge^4^
  1. Asian Development Bank (ADB), Islamabad, Pakistan.

  2. Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Islamabad, Pakistan.

  3. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.

  4. Department of Statistics, University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE, USA.

minimal R version License: GPL v3 CRAN_Status_Badge rstudio mirror downloads

dver <- ifelse(test = gsub("(.\\.)(\\d+)(\\..)", "", getNamespaceVersion("DiallelAnalysisR")) != "",
               yes = getNamespaceVersion("DiallelAnalysisR"),
               no = gsub("Version:\\s*", "", readLines(paste0("", "myaseen208/DiallelAnalysisR", "/master/DESCRIPTION"))[grep("Version:", readLines(paste0("", "myaseen208/DiallelAnalysisR", "/master/DESCRIPTION")))]))
cat(paste("[![develVersion](", dver, "-orange.svg)](", sep = ""))

Project Status: WIP lifecycle Last-changedate Rdoc


r gsub("(<doi:)(.+)(>)", "[doi:\\2](\\2)", gsub("\\n", " ", packageDescription("DiallelAnalysisR", fields = "Description")))


The package can be installed from CRAN as follows:

install.packages("DiallelAnalysisR", dependencies = TRUE)

The development version can be installed from github as follows:

if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

What's new

To know whats new in this version type:

news(package = "DiallelAnalysisR")


CRAN page

Github page

Documentation website

Citing DiallelAnalysisR

To cite the methods in the package use:


myaseen208/DiallelAnalysisR documentation built on April 9, 2023, 6:16 p.m.