Man pages for myaseen208/agriTutorial
Tutorial Analysis of Some Agricultural Experiments

agriTutorialTutorial Analysis of Agricultural Experiments
beetBeet data for Example 2
example1Example 1: Split-plot design with one qualitative and one...
example2Example 2: Lack-of-fit and marginality for a single...
example3Example 3: Polynomial regression model with two quantitative...
example4Example 4: One qualitative treatment factor with repeated...
example5Example 5: Transformation of treatment levels to improve...
greenriceRice data for Example 3
riceRice data for Example 1
sorghumSorghum data for Example 4
turnipTurnip data for Example 5
myaseen208/agriTutorial documentation built on Feb. 25, 2020, 12:01 a.m.