Man pages for myllym/marksummary
Calculate summary functions for marked point patterns

all_besags_LChannel to Besag's L.
besags_LBesag's L-transform.
besags_L_validIs L-transform valid?
check_mtfCheck that the given mark test function names are valid.
check_n_permCheck that the given number of permutations makes sense.
check_patternChecks that the given pattern is valid.
check_r_maxCheck that the given maximum radius makes sense.
check_r_vecCheck that the given radius vector makes sense.
consider_radiusHandle things considering the radius vector.
create_binning_funcReturns a function which gives C++ array indices.
create_mark_test_funcsCreate mark test functions
create_mtfs_and_weightsCreate mark test functions and weights
create_r_maxCreate the maximum radius given the pattern.
create_r_vecCreate the radius vector given the maximum radius and...
disc_paramFinds the radius and centre of a circle defined by a...
do_edge_correctionCalculate the edge correction for those point pairs that...
is.discChecks if a window object is a circle
K_fCalculates the cumulated K_f-estimates.
mark_distr_statsStatistics of the mark distribution
marks_within_radiusChoose the marks of those pairs where the distance between...
min_window_side_lengthLength of the shorter window side.
one_per_lambda_squaredEstimate 1 / lambda ^ 2.
pairs_within_r_maxPick close pairs.
rho_fCalculates the uncumulated rho_f-estimates
round_nonneg_into_intRound non-negative numbers and convert them to integers.
specialise_weightIndividualize weight vectors for each mark test function.
summ_funcSummary functions for one pattern.
summ_func_random_labellingSummary functions for random labelling
translational_correctionTranslational edge-correction
weigh_and_binWeigh and sum into bins.
myllym/marksummary documentation built on May 23, 2019, 11:59 a.m.