bGWAS: bGWAS - main function

View source: R/bGWAS.R

bGWASR Documentation

bGWAS - main function


Performs a Bayesian GWAS from Summary Statistics, using publicly available results to calculate the prior effects of the SNPs and compare it to observed z-scores


  Z_matrices = "~/ZMatrices/",
  prior_studies = NULL,
  MR_threshold = 1e-06,
  MR_ninstruments = 3,
  MR_pruning_dist = 500,
  MR_pruning_LD = 0,
  MR_shrinkage = 1,
  stepwise_threshold = NULL,
  prior_shrinkage = NULL,
  sign_method = "p",
  sign_thresh = 5e-08,
  use_permutations = FALSE,
  res_pruning_dist = 500,
  res_pruning_LD = 0,
  save_files = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



The name of the analysis (character)


The path to the conventional GWAS of interest, the ID of the GWAS from the list of studies available (prior GWASs), or a data.frame (character, numeric or data.frame)


The path to the folder containing Z-Matrices, default="~/ZMatrices/" (character)


The IDs of prior GWASs to use for the analysis, default=NULL, will include all the prior GWASs available (numeric vector)


The threshold used to select strong instruments for MR, should be lower than 1e-5, default=1e-6 (numeric)


The minimum number of strong instruments needed to use a prior GWAS, should be between 2 and 8, default=3 (numeric)


The distance used for pruning MR instruments (in Kb), should be between 10 and 1000, default=500 (numeric)


The LD threshold used for pruning MR instruments, should be between 0 and 1 (if 0, distance-based pruning is used), default=0 (numeric)


The p-value threshold used for shrinkage before performing MR, should be between MR_threshold and 1 (no shrinkage), default=1 (numeric)


The p-value threshold used for inclusion/exclusion of Prior GWASs during the stepwise selection approach, should be between 0.05 and 0.0005, default=NULL will use 0.05 divided by the number of Prior GWASs tested (numeric)


The p-value threshold used for shrinkage before calculating the prior, should be between MR_threshold and 1, default=NULL will use MR_shrinkage (numeric)


The method used to identify significant SNPs, should be "p" for p-value or "fdr" for false discovery rate, default="p" (character)


The threshold used to identify significant SNPs, default="5e-8" (numeric)


A logical indicating if BF p-values should be estimated using the permutation approach, default=FALSE


The distance used for pruning results (in Kb), should be between 10 and 1000, (if set to NULL, no pruning is done), default=500 (numeric)


The LD threshold used for pruning results, should be between 0 and 1 (if 0, distance-based pruning is used), default=0 (numeric)


A logical indicating if the results should be saved as files, default=FALSE


A logical indicating if information on progress should be reported, default=TRUE


Name and GWAS are required arguments. If GWAS is a path to a file (regular or .gz) or a data.frame, it should contain the following columns :
SNPID (rs numbers) should be : rs, rsid, snp, snpid, rnpid
A1 should be : a1, alt, alts
A2 should be : a2, a0, ref
Z should be : z, Z, zscore
If Z is not present, it can be calculated from BETA and SE.
BETA should be : b, beta, beta1
SE should be : se, std
Note: in order to get rescaled (prior/posterior/corrected) effects, BETA and SE should be provided.

Z-Matrix files, containing Z-scores for all prior GWASs should be downloaded separately and stored in "~/ZMatrices" or in the folder specified with the argument Z_matrices.
See [here]( for more informations.

Use list_priorGWASs() to see all the prior GWASs available. Using one of them as your conventionnal GWAS (argument GWAS = numeric ID) will automatically remove it from the list of prior GWASs used to build the prior.

Use select_priorGWASs() to automatically select the prior GWASs to be included/excluded when building the prior (argument prior_studies).


bGWAS() returns an object of class "bGWAS".
Additionnaly, if save_files=T, several files are created in the folder ./name/ :

  • "PriorGWASs.tsv" - contains information about all prior GWASs (general info + status (used/excluded) + MR coefficients)

  • "CoefficientsByChromosome.csv" - contains the MR estimates when masking the focal chromosome (22 coefficients / prior GWASs used for prior estimation)

  • "PriorBFp.csv" - contains BF and p-values, prior, posterior and direct effects estimates for all SNPs

  • "SignificantSNPs.csv" - contains BF and p-values, prior, posterior and direct effects estimates for a subset of significant SNPs


# Permorm bGWAS, using a small conventional GWAS included in the package (data.frame) 
# and selecting a subset of studies for the prior
## Not run: top
MyStudies = select_priorGWASs(include_traits=c("Blood Pressure", "Education"),  
# 6 Prior GWASs used

 A = bGWAS(name="Test_UsingSmallDataFrame",
          GWAS = SmallGWAS_Timmers2019,
          MR_threshold = 1e-6,
## End(Not run)
# Permorm bGWAS, using a conventional GWAS from the list of prior GWASs
## Not run: MyGWAS = 3
# Coronary Artery Disease GWAS (CARDIoGRAM)
B = bGWAS(name = "Test_UsingGWASfromPriorGWASs",
         GWAS = MyGWAS)
## End(Not run)

n-mounier/bGWAS documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:39 a.m.