ReKS ("Regional Knowledge Space") is an R Package that computes some measure about the knowledge space of a regional economy.

Warnings: At the moment it is under strong development and other functions will be added soon. Also the documentation and the relative bibliographical references are only partial and will be fixed as soon as possible.


# R
> devtools::install_github("n3ssuno/ReKS")


Carlo Bottai - c DOT bottai AT tue DOT nl


This is free (as in Freedom) software that follows a bazaar development model. So, any help will be appreciated. Please, write me an email or use the GitHub tools to contribute.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Please, if you use the package in your research and publications cite it as Carlo Bottai (2018) "ReKS" (Version v0.2.9-beta), Zenodo DOI


The package has been partly developed as within the RENIR project, an international research network on industrial resilience led by profs. Aldo Geuna and Dan Breznitz and financed by the University of Turin, the Compagnia di San Paolo and The Lupina Foundation. I would like to thank the member of the network and the founders for their help and support.

The icon of the project is the "Origami Dinosaur" by Kelig Le Luron from the Noun Project (CC)

n3ssuno/RKS documentation built on Jan. 15, 2020, 5:15 p.m.