Man pages for nabilabd/hybridSA
Implemnents Hybrid Source Apportionment

all_param_codenamesAll Parameter and Method Codes in AQS data
aqs06AQS Measurements for 2006
aqs_mergeRead in AQS data from folder of xlsx files
csn_site_index2Geographic data on 188 CSN sites
get_optimGet optimization values given asens and
getxl_sheetExtract data from an excel worksheet
hybridsaEvaluate Hybrid SA Objective function
sig_ctm06Uncertainties for the optimization
sig_lnr06Uncertainties of ln(Rj) values
used_paramcodesParameter Codes Used in Selecting Observations
nabilabd/hybridSA documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:03 p.m.