nalimilan/logmult: Log-Multiplicative Models, Including Association Models

Functions to fit log-multiplicative models using 'gnm', with support for convenient printing, plots, and jackknife/bootstrap standard errors. For complex survey data, models can be fitted from design objects from the 'survey' package. Currently supported models include UNIDIFF (Erikson & Goldthorpe, 1992), a.k.a. log-multiplicative layer effect model (Xie, 1992) <doi:10.2307/2096242>, and several association models: Goodman (1979) <doi:10.2307/2286971> row-column association models of the RC(M) and RC(M)-L families with one or several dimensions; two skew-symmetric association models proposed by Yamaguchi (1990) <doi:10.2307/271086> and by van der Heijden & Mooijaart (1995) <doi:10.1177/0049124195024001002> Functions allow computing the intrinsic association coefficient (see Bouchet-Valat (2022) <doi:10.1177/0049124119852389>) and the Altham (1970) index <doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1970.tb00816.x>, including via the Bayes shrinkage estimator proposed by Zhou (2015) <doi:10.1177/0081175015570097>; and the RAS/IPF/Deming-Stephan algorithm.

Getting started

Package details

LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
nalimilan/logmult documentation built on March 28, 2022, 1:18 p.m.