holt_winters_synd-methods: 'holt_winters_synd'

holt_winters_syndR Documentation



This function applies the Holt-Winters() algorithm (available in the stats R package and loaded in the basic R installation)). This algorithm is normally used for decomposition and forecasting, but here it is employed as part of an iterative process to allow detection of outbreak signals. The additional features compared to the basic HoltWinters() algorithm are:

  • iterative application: the algorithm is applied to a range of time points in an iterative manner, so if syndromic data needs to be evaluated for the past 30 days, for instance, the function is called once and the internal loops evaluate one day at a time.

  • Detection of deviations: in this implementation the n-days-ahead forecast of the algorithm is used as an outbreak signal detector - observations above a confidence interval are flagged as "aberrations".

  • baseline: it is possible to point to an outbrak-free time series (baseline) which will serve to train the algorithm and calculate the forecast, which is then compared to the actual observed data that is being analysed

  • recording of the detection limits: the minimum value that would have generated an alarm in each time point can be recorded in the UCL slot of the syndromic object provided

  • data correction: in case an observation is found to be greater than the confidence interval of the forecast, the user can choose to update the outbreak-free baseline by substituting the observed value with the UCL value

  • multiple limits: the user can apply the algorithm with multiple detection limits - that is to say, different confidence intervals


holt_winters_synd(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'syndromicD'
holt_winters_synd(x, syndromes = NULL,
  evaluate.window = 1, frequency = 7, baseline.window = 365,
  limit.sd = c(2.5, 3, 3.5), nahead = 7, alpha = 0.4, beta = 0,
  gamma = 0.15, seasonal = "additive", correct.baseline = 1,
  alarm.dim = 1, UCL = 1)

## S4 method for signature 'syndromicW'
holt_winters_synd(x, syndromes = NULL,
  evaluate.window = 1, frequency = 52, baseline.window = 104,
  limit.sd = c(2.5, 3, 3.5), nahead = 2, alpha = 0.4, beta = 0,
  gamma = 0.15, seasonal = "additive", correct.baseline = 1,
  alarm.dim = 1, UCL = 1)



a syndromic (syndromicD or syndromicW) object, which must have the slot of observed data, and a data frame containing the variable year in the slot dates. If the slot baseline is not available, then the data in the slot observed will be copied into the baseline slot.


Additional arguments to the method.


an optional parameter, if not specified, all columns in the slot observed of the syndromic object will be used. The user can choose to restrict the analyses to a few syndromic groups listing their name or column position in the observed matrix. See examples.


the number of time points to be evaluated. By default only the last time point is evaluated, but the user can set any window (as long as the number of time points in the time series allows so). Please note that the HoltWinters algorithm requires at least two cycles to initialize. That is, if the cycle of the data is weekly, then the two initial weeks of the data cannot be included in the analyses.


The frequency of cycles in the time series. For DAILY data (syndromicD): Even though this is normally a year (frequency=365), we have found that the algorithm works better with a frequency equal to the week (5 or 7 days, dependening on whether weekends are included) when strong day-of-week effects are present in the data.


The length of the baseline used to train the algorithm in order to provide a forecast, which will serve to decide whether the current observed data is expected. Normally 1-2 years.


The limit of detection to be used, that is, the cut-off of the confidence interval that decides when an observation is abnormal. Rather than a percentage (for instance 95 as number of standard deviations above the mean (for instance 2.5, or 3). This is to ensure comparability with the other detection algorithms used iin this package (control charts). This can be provided as a single value or as a vector. When a vector is provided, multiple detection results are given. In this case the result of detection is not binary (as traditionally, 0 for no alarm detected and 1 for the detection of an aberration). Instead, an integer is produced refering to how many confidence intervals have been exceeded. If for instance the limits are set to c(2,2.5,3), then an observation which is greater than the 2.5 limit, but lower than 3, will have a detection score of 2 (2 detection limits "broken").


how many days ahead predictions should be made. One-day ahead predictions may have narrower confidence intervals, but they are unsafe as they do not protect the prediction from incoporating undetected outbreak signals. A one week ahead prediction (5 or 7 days) is recommended.


the alpha parameter to be passed to the HoltWinters() algorithm.


the beta parameter to be passed to the HoltWinters() algorithm.


the gamma parameter to be passed to the HoltWinters() algorithm.


the seasonal parameter to be passed to the HoltWinters() algorithm. Default is "additive". The user can change to "multiplicative", but that is not recommended if the data contains zeros.


besides detecting abnormal observations, the algorithm can also be used to correct the data, removing these observations and substituting them by the limit of the confidence interval of the prediction provided by the HoltWinters() algorithm. If that is to be carried out, the user needs to specify which of the provided limits is to be used for the correction. This variable should be filled with the INDEX of the limit to be used. For example, if limit.sd was provided as "c(2.5,3.0,3.5)", the use of correct.baseline=1 will cause the algorithm to substitute any observations above 2.5 standard deviations from the predicted value with this exact cut-off limit. If using correct.baseline=2, only observations above a standard deviation of 3 (limit.sd[2]) will be corrected. To avoid that a baseline is generated or modified, set this argument to zero or NULL.


The syndromic object is set to accept the result of multiple detection algorithms. These results are stored as a third dimension in the slot alarms. Here the user can choose which order in that dimension should store the results of this algorithm. If this is the first aberration detection algorithm used, for instance, leave as the default (1).


the minimum number that would have geerated an alarm, for every time point, can be recorded in the slot UCL of the syndromic object.The user must provide the INDEX in the limit.sd vector for which the UCL values should be corrected (as explained for the argument correct.baseline above). Set to FALSE to prevent the recording.


An object of the class syndromic (syndromicD or syndromicW, depending on which was provided as input) which contains all elements form the object provided in x, but in which the slot alarm has been filled in the following way: for the rows assigned in evaluate.window, columns indicated in syndromes (or all columns from observed if syndromes is left undefined), and for the third dimension specified in alarm.dim (1 by default), zeros have been assigned if no alarm was generated; otherwise a numerical value gives the number of alarms detected. That is, how many of the limits given in limits.sd detected an abnormal observation. See examples. If the user sets a correct.baseline value, the baseline will also have been modified.

See Also






my.syndromicD <- raw_to_syndromicD (id=SubmissionID,
my.syndromicD <- holt_winters_synd(x=my.syndromicD,
                            limit.sd=c(2.5,3,3.5), #default

my.syndromicD <- raw_to_syndromicD (id=SubmissionID,
my.syndromicD <- holt_winters_synd(x=my.syndromicD,
                            limit.sd=c(2.5,3,3.5), #default
my.syndromicW <- raw_to_syndromicW (id=SubmissionID,
my.syndromicW <- holt_winters_synd(x=my.syndromicW,
                            limit.sd=c(2.5,3,3.5), #default

nandadorea/vetsyn documentation built on April 30, 2022, 1:15 a.m.