knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

FARS Data Analysis

This package uses data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's 'Fatality Analysis Reporting System' to aggregate fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes according to state and year and map that data.

Using the Package

Pulling data

Data can be pulled from FARS using the function fars_read_years which will take a list of years as input (years). An example is shown below:

fars_read_years(years = list(2013,2014,2015))

Aggregating and Mapping data

The function fars_summarize_years groups the number of fatal injury accidents by year and reports the total number for each year while the function fars_map_state maps the total number of fatal accidents by state represented by a state number (state.num) and year (year). Here is an example of how to use the function fars_summarize_years:

fars_summarize_years(years = list(2013,2014,2015))

The function fars_map_state is used as shown in the following example:

fars_map_state(state.num = 3,year = 2013)


The function for pulling data fars_read_years and the function it calls fars_read will throw an error and warning respectively if there is no fars data available for a year as seen below:

Error in fars_read(filename = "accident_2019.csv.bz2") : file accident_2019.csv.bz2 does not exist

Warning message:
In fars_read_years(years = list(2015,2019)) : invalid year: 2019

You will encounter the following error when executing fars_map_state function if state number in the input argument does not exist in the fars data:

Error in fars_map_state(100,2013) : invalid STATE number: 100 

and a message if no accidents are reported for the state of interest as shown below:

no accidents to plot

nandhinidev/farsplot documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:02 a.m.