  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",


Table of Contents

1. Introduction {#intro}

This collection of functions aims to enhance the visual experience of earthquakes. There are two kinds of functions:

1) Timeline based, and; 2) OpenStreet Maps based.

Timeline Graphics {#timeline}

Draw a timeline point out each earthquake as a circle, the radius varies according to the magnitude (on Richter scale). For each country (or category) there is a dedicated timeline. The user could use the function of annotation to highlight the strongest earthquakes from that database.

OpenStreet Maps Plots {#openstreet}

This is an OpenStreet Map based plot, I have used the LONGITUDE and LATITUDE to plot circle as an earthquake, which the radius is according to the magnitude (in Richter scale). By the using of the eq_create_label, it is possible to assign for each circle a popup to show information.

2. MSDR Package {#msdr_package}

The functions avaliable in this package:

A brief description of each of these functions.


This function loads a given file_name and then performs the data cleaning. Undercover of this process these functions call the eq_location_clean to creates a new column called LOCATION.


Combines three columns to creates a new one with HTML structure, this is necessary because the Leaflet package requires the data to be displayed inside of the popup as HTML format.


Adds the LOCATION column. The dataset must have the LOCATION_NAME. If not the function will not work properly.


Draw an OpenStreet Map and circles representing the earthquake's location. The popups show the date of the event. All this feature built over the Leaflet package.


Plot a timeline based on magnitude (EQ_PRIMARY) and total deaths (TOTAL_DEATHS).


Given a plot of geom_timeline, this function annotates labels to the n_max earthquakes with the highest magnitude (EQ_PRIMARY).


A helper function to remove the background, grid, axis ticks, etc. Aims to increase the ink ratio of the plot.

There are two more functions, but these two has its works hidden.


Creates all visuals to be plotted by the geom_timeline.


Creates all visuals to be plotted by the geom_timeline_label.

For further understanding, I kindly as you to visit the dedicated vignette of each function.

3. Usage {#usage}

This package is tailored to work with the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) database of the earthquake. I have inserted in this package the entire database (downloaded in february/2019), you can access it creating the path and later loading it.

# Path to the raw data.
raw_data_path <- system.file("extdata", "signif.txt", package = "msdr")

For the sake of this vignette, I have used this dataset to perform the desmonstrations.

3.1. Loading the NOAA Database {#loading_data}

The loading process could be done using the eq_clean_data.

# Loading the data.
df_clean <- eq_clean_data(file_name = raw_data_path)

After that, the df_clean has LOCATION column, LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, etc. converted to the proper class type.

# Subsetting the df_clean. Showing only data of interest.
df_clean %>% dplyr::select(DATE,
                           TOTAL_DEATHS) %>% head(10) %>% kableExtra::kable()

The table above is an example of the output of the eq_clean_data. Bear in mind, I have only converted and cleaned the columns of interest (LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DATE, COUNTRY, LOCATION, EQ_PRIMARY, and TOTAL_DEATHS).

ATTENTION: The eq_location_clean works internally of the eq_clean_data, as a step of data manipulation.

3.2. Creating my first geom_timeline {#first_geom_timeline}

This is a straightforward application of the geom_timeline function. Before any plot, I have chosen Asia as my interest in analysis.

# Subsetting the df_clean to select some countries in Asia.
df_asia <- df_clean %>% 
       dplyr::filter(COUNTRY %in% c("INDONESIA","THAILAND", "MYANMAR (BURMA)", "JAPAN"),
                     YEAR > 2000 & YEAR <= 2019)
# Creaing a ggplot object using the geom_timeline.
df_asia %>%
       ggplot2::ggplot() +
              # Defining the aes.
              geom_timeline(aes(x = DATE,
                                y = COUNTRY,
                                size = EQ_PRIMARY,
                                color = TOTAL_DEATHS)) -> tl_asia
# Plotting

To enhance the visuals, I have created the theme_msdr, which removes the background, grids, etc..

# Plotting with tailored theme.
tl_asia + msdr::theme_msdr() -> tl_asia_w_theme

You can go also further editing the general aspects of the plot using the regular functions of ggplot2 package. In the example below I have edited the legends' titles.

# Plotting with tailored theme.
tl_asia_w_theme + 
       msdr::theme_msdr() + 
              # Editing the legends' titles 
              labs(color = "# deaths",
                   size = "Richter scale value") -> tl_asia_w_theme_labs

3.3. Adding annotations {#annotations}

In a way to highlight the strongest events in the given dataframe of analysis. The geom_timeline_label is a complementary function to the geom_timeline. It will annotate which earthquake from the plot was in the top five (default but you can edit it defining a value to n_max).

# Plotting with tailored theme.
tl_asia_w_theme_labs +
       # Adding annotations
       geom_timeline_label(aes(x = DATE,
                               label = LOCATION,
                               y = COUNTRY,
                               mag = EQ_PRIMARY,
                               n_max = 10)) -> tl_asia_w_theme_labs_annot

3.4. Earthquakes Info in OpenStreet maps {#openstreet_1}

The msdr package has two features to be used in OpenStreet maps, the first one is a straightforward way to plot the earthquakes, and a single content in a popup.

# Using the cleaned dataset of asia. Plotting DATE inside of the popups.
df_asia %>% 
       eq_map(annot_col = 'DATE')

In the example above, I have plotted the DATE of each earthquake. If you are going to use numeric variables, I kindly ask you to use as.character to convert the information in character.

Example using a native non-character feature.

# Using the cleaned dataset of asia. Plotting the TOTAL_DEATHS inside of the popups.
df_asia %>% 
       eq_map(annot_col = 'as.character(TOTAL_DEATHS)')

3.5. Earthquakes Popup in OpenStreet maps {#openstreet_2}

This is a step further of the simple eq_map function. The eq_create_label combine many columns into one column to plot it inside of a popup of OpenStreet maps.

# Creating a new data.
df_america <- df_clean %>% dplyr::filter(COUNTRY %in% c('USA','MEXICO','CANADA'),
                                         YEAR > 1990 & YEAR < 2019)
# Creating a complex texts using the eq_create_label.
df_america %>% 
       dplyr::mutate(popup_text = eq_create_label(.)) %>% 
              eq_map(annot_col = 'popup_text')

nandinigntr/MSDR documentation built on Jan. 1, 2021, 11:32 a.m.