Man pages for nandy006/smallarea
Fits a Fay Herriot Model

estimate.unknownsampvarEstimates of variance component, unknown sampling variance,...
fayherriotEstimate of the variance component in Fay Herriot Model using...
maximlikelihoodMaximum likelihood estimates of the variance components and...
prasadraoestEstimate of the variance component in Fay Herriot Model using...
prasadraomultEstimate of the matrix of variance component in Fay Herriot...
resimaxilikelihoodEstimate of the variance component in Fay Herriot Model using...
smallareafitFits a Univariate Fay Herriot Model to data
smallareafit.multFits a multivariate Fay-Herriot model to data
smallarea-packageFits a Fay Herriot model
nandy006/smallarea documentation built on May 8, 2019, 7:55 p.m.