Man pages for nanxstats/msaenet
Multi-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse Regressions

aenetAdaptive Elastic-Net
amnetAdaptive MCP-Net
asnetAdaptive SCAD-Net
coef.msaenetExtract Model Coefficients
msaenetMulti-Step Adaptive Elastic-Net
msaenet.fnGet the Number of False Negative Selections
msaenet.fpGet the Number of False Positive Selections
msaenet.maeMean Absolute Error (MAE)
msaenet.mseMean Squared Error (MSE)
msaenet.nzvGet Indices of Non-Zero Variables
msaenet.nzv.allGet Indices of Non-Zero Variables in All Steps
msaenet-packagemsaenet: Multi-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse...
msaenet.rmseRoot Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
msaenet.rmsleRoot Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (RMSLE)
msaenet.sim.binomialGenerate Simulation Data for Benchmarking Sparse Regressions...
msaenet.sim.coxGenerate Simulation Data for Benchmarking Sparse Regressions...
msaenet.sim.gaussianGenerate Simulation Data for Benchmarking Sparse Regressions...
msaenet.sim.poissonGenerate Simulation Data for Benchmarking Sparse Regressions...
msaenet.tpGet the Number of True Positive Selections
msaenet.tune.glmnetAutomatic (parallel) parameter tuning for glmnet models
msaenet.tune.ncvregAutomatic (parallel) parameter tuning for ncvreg models
msaenet.tune.nsteps.glmnetSelect the number of adaptive estimation steps
msaenet.tune.nsteps.ncvregSelect the number of adaptive estimation steps
msamnetMulti-Step Adaptive MCP-Net
msasnetMulti-Step Adaptive SCAD-Net
plot.msaenetPlot msaenet Model Objects
predict.msaenetMake Predictions from an msaenet Model
print.msaenetPrint msaenet Model Information
nanxstats/msaenet documentation built on July 24, 2024, 12:47 p.m.