Man pages for natbprice/radsets
Create Radial Set Diagrams for Visualizing Overlapping Sets

buildRadialSetsPlotBuild radial sets plot
createRadialsetsTooltipTooltip for radial sets plot
getPointerLocGet Radial Sets pointer location
getRadialSetsDataPrepare data for Radial Sets plot
getRadialSetsMetadataGet Radial Sets metadata
getSetIntersectionsCalculate sizes of intersections between sets
getSetSizesCount total number of items in each set
getSetSizesByDegreeCount number of items in each set by degree
groceriesPoint-of-sale transaction data from grocery outlet
launchAppLaunches the shiny app
movieSetsGenre classifications of 27,000 movies
optimizeLinkOrderOptimize link order
natbprice/radsets documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 5:21 p.m.