
The associated repository is an R package and installation will import a number of additional packages. The analysis also requires three additional packages used as time series analysis helpers. You will also need the workflowr and devtools packages.

  # The project repository
  # The time series analysis packages
  devtools::install_github(c("nateaff/tssims", "nateaff/tsfeats", "nateaff/tssegment"))

Set the working directory to the project folder and load the package.

# Load project package

The project pages can be built and viewed with workflowr. The pages will only be re-built if there are changes to the file. The individual analyses have a flag that indicates whether cached intermedidate data should be used in building the analysis. To build files from scratch set the from_cache flag to FALSE.


This will only work for the files without the eeg- prefix. The eeg data files are not included in the repo so those files can't be built from scratch, sorry :(.

# This only builds the project analyses

The full thesis is the docs/thesis and can be built from the thesis.tex file.

nateaff/eeg-complex documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:55 p.m.